... &member=97
3 php errors : the class type "Guerrier" (Warrior in frFR) isn't know (or it is present in the frFR.php : line 395.
What happens is that the array is indexed with the value " Guerrier" (go figure). There is a space in front of it.
So, I had to throw in a trim()... like this :
- Code: Select all
$html .= '<span style="color:#'. $roster->locale->wordings[$this->locale]['class_colorArray'][trim($class)] . ';">' . $class . '</span>';
[line 365 - file lib/item.php]
This must be a localized related error - but I doubt a bad CP.lua format : I saw this on 2 different Guilds that use svn[1298] right now.
My own perso (also a Warrior on a different Guild / Roster) had the same error.
=> ... &member=23
I put in a echo "[--->]".$class."[<---]"; on line 364, so you can see what happens !
The trim is there (for this Guild) : so no error