Issue 1
Having some item parsing issues; ... &member=53
Roster Notice line 1263: Unable to retieve Set Information, bad upload? Falling back to colorTooltip()
With lots of invalid parsing up the top
Issue 2
When Parsing files, the log has 2 new errors/warnings showing; (didnt do this in the previous SVN we used)
Looks to be just the warning is incorrect, as both Guild list and Char Details still get updated on an upload.
Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.26 seconds
Processing Files
Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
Updating Guild Data for [West Oz Warlords@US-Spinebreaker]
Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.Updating Character Data for [Wozwmatsbank@US-Spinebreaker]
Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.
Hope this helps