Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Display what gems jewelcrafters can make

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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Mirael » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:47 pm

Hmmmm...after making the changes as noted above (to both the enUS files) i get the following errors:

Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Warning line 127: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Any ideas?

As i said...i initially made changes only to the enUS.php file....then after no success made the same changes to the enUS.php~ file...same result. then deleted the *.php~ files...same...

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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Gator81 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:16 pm

when i had an error like that i just did the one replace in the unus.php file and went to the bottom removed everything under color and pasted the change under it and saved, uploaded to the site and and worked.

Dont take this wrong, but for simple checks, have you check the file to make sure that the change was uploaded or made? saved? I only say this because I did it twice, I thought I had uploaded the correct one and i had not. :(
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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby maqjav » Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:09 am

Mirael wrote:Hmmmm...after making the changes as noted above (to both the enUS files) i get the following errors:

Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Notice line 29: Undefined index: GemType
Warning line 127: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Any ideas?

As i said...i initially made changes only to the enUS.php file....then after no success made the same changes to the enUS.php~ file...same result. then deleted the *.php~ files...same...

link to page: ... ity=0070dd

Change the next line in your enUS localization file.

Code: Select all
$lang['type']['blue']="Blue"; --> $lang['GemType']['blue']="Blue";

You have to change it for all the colours.
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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Mirael » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:25 pm

I changed all of them as per the instructions the first time...this is what is in the enUS.php file...and has been since i first edited it...

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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Mirael » Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:38 pm

kk...i got it figured

while i had :


it should have been:


simple "case" fix...

thanx everybody...!
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Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Blueleaf » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:12 pm

Anyone have a fix for the missing Icons for Pearls?
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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby eire » Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:30 pm

Blueleaf wrote:Anyone have a fix for the missing Icons for Pearls?

I lust grabbed the couple missing ones from thottbot, renamed them to lowercase, and stuck them in /img/Interface/Icons/

Worked like a charm.
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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby eire » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:07 am

Tupsi wrote:
Blueleaf wrote:You should have a gem icon in the "Realm Information" menu (Realm Panel)

doh! Realm panel, ok, found it :-)

I love the Gems Display addon, but I wanted it to display on my Guild panel not the Realm panel (don't ask me why just feels like it fits better there).

I'm sure there is a better/cleaner way of doing this but here are a few easy steps to have it display on both panels, then you can remove one or the other using the Menu Configuration: Open GemsDisplay/inc/install.def.php

copy line 57:
Code: Select all

paste to line 58 and change realm to guild and save the file:
Code: Select all

Now in GemsDisplay create a new folder "guild" then copy index.php from the realm directory into your new guild directory.

Open GemsDisplay/guild/index.php and change line 100 from:
Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Now reinstall the addon and the buttons should appear on both panels :D
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Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby PleegWat » Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:04 am

That's roughly the basics. There's probably a SQL query somewhere you need to modify to really only show members from the selected guild.
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Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Smafy » Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:09 pm


I have a trouble when installing the addon:

Erreurs relatives au programme d'installation
(errors from the installation program)
Le fichier contenant les définitions du programme d'installation pour GemsDisplay ne contient pas de classes d'installation correctes
(The file containing the classe's definitions for the installation of GemsDisplay do not contain correct installation classes)

My roster is in French, WoWRoster v1.9.9.1555.
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Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby sebb » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:01 pm

hello all ^^

after upload addon, I have this message:

The install definition file for GemsDisplay did not contain a correct installation class on RosterCP

what happen ???


edit: Haaa tiens un frenchy !! ben j'ai la meme erreur que toi alors :?
Last edited by sebb on Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby LaYkE » Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:10 pm

Install Gems Display and then upload these files over it. It fixed it for me.
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Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby Jagtus » Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:42 pm

have this bug addon konfig aktivation: Die Installations-Definitionsdatei für GemsDisplay enthielt keine korrekte Installations-Klasse
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Re: Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby tuigii » Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:26 pm

I found out that some of the gems listed are soulbound.
So, IHMO, no need to list them with this addon.

Take this fragement (in both guid/index.php and realm/index.php):
Code: Select all
   $inColor = '';
   $inSkill = '';
   foreach( $roster->multilanguages as $lang )
      $inColor .= "'".addslashes($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['GemType'][$color])."', ";
      $inSkill .= "'".addslashes($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['sill'])."', ";
   $inColor = substr ($inColor, 0, -2);
   $inSkill = substr ($inSkill, 0, -2);

   $query .= " AND `recipe_type` IN ($inColor) AND `skill_name` IN ($inSkill)";
   $query .= " GROUP BY `recipe_name` ORDER BY `reagents`,`recipe_name`";

and make it look like this
Code: Select all
   $inColor = '';
   $inSkill = '';
   $$inBound = ''; // New !!
   foreach( $roster->multilanguages as $lang )
      $inColor .= "'".addslashes($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['GemType'][$color])."', ";
      $inSkill .= "'".addslashes($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['sill'])."', ";
      $inBound .= "AND (`recipe_tooltip` NOT LIKE '%".addslashes($roster->locale->wordings[$lang]['tooltip_soulbound'])."%') "; // New !!
   $inColor = substr ($inColor, 0, -2);
   $inSkill = substr ($inSkill, 0, -2);
   $query .= " ".$inBound; // New !!
   $query .= " WHERE `recipe_type` IN ($inColor) AND `skill_name` IN ($inSkill)";
   $query .= " GROUP BY `recipe_name` ORDER BY `reagents`,`recipe_name`";

It's maybe not the most efficient SQL code ever writen, but it filters out all soulbound gems.

Humm, nothing shows up when I post this with [ php ] ...... [ /php ] bbcodes. Normal ?
Last edited by tuigii on Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Gems Display version [Roster 2 addon]

Postby PleegWat » Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:39 pm

Code looks fine. There's a similar snippet for this somewhere in the base code, and that one should be looked up and used instead. There's a second translation string for soulbound that needs to be included in a specific way because (if I remember correctly) in french the text for 'soulbound' also matches the string for 'bind on equip'.
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