Eqdkp in an iframe...

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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Kelv » Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:03 am

Ok this is my attempt at eqdkp plus in an iframe..
read the important.txt file, the way its written alone should put you off using it :D
This is not the normal quality of my scripts, but I have been asked to release it as the end result is a nice looking system.

If anyone wants to add some menus to the admin scripts please free :D.
I imagine that most of you that are brave enough to use this after reading the IMPORTANT.txt file could do better yourselves.

The reason I have posted it here is it uses wowroster to synch df users and eqdkp users.

It doesn't work properly with the Opera browser :cry: so if that is important to you ignore this post.

I am happy to remove this if it is considered crap :oops:
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:36 am

This is a little old but I will go ahead and post in here. About a month ago we switch over to Dragonfly CMS and so far what we have seen we really like it. I got your iframes to working great but one part the block menu. If there is any way you can help me on this or anyone for that mater it would be great help. The block is there but it puts everything on the bottom outside of the block. Please take a look....


Thank you
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Kelv » Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:13 am

K, looks like my crappy home made theme is the source of your issues.
try the following in the eqdkp raidblock...

Code: Select all

.= '
<img src="images/arrow.gif" border="0" alt=""/>
<img src="images/arrow.gif" border="0" alt="" />
 <a href="'
.getlink('dkp').'&page=listraids">List Raids</a><br>
<img src="images/arrow.gif" border="0" alt="" />
 <a href="'
.getlink('dkp').'&page=listevents">List Events</a><br>
<img src="images/arrow.gif" border="0" alt="" />
 <a href="'
.getlink('dkp').'&page=listitems">List Items</a><br>
<img src="images/arrow.gif" border="0" alt="" />
 <a href="'
.getlink('dkp').'&page=itemhistory">Item istory</a><br>

sorry for the lousy formatting, as usual dead at KB, as you can see it is just the same but with all references to <tr> <td> removed
Last edited by Kelv on Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:12 am

Sweet that one works and never say your bad you did this so I think your pretty darn good!

Thank you
Last edited by Arkel on Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:21 pm

Ok folks here ya go.
I want to first say a big thank you to Kelv for doing this - GRATS TO HIM!

I am going to make a couple of post here and also what you need to have in order for it to work like I have mine setup. IF you would like to see any changes to the Index.php and/or Block menus and need a little help please let me know. :)

1.) Here is the following link to EQDKP Plus

Go there and Dowload the following
1.) EQDKP Plus stable 4.4.5
2.) Raid Planner
3.) BossSuite (BossBase, BossCounter, BossLoot, BossProgresss)
4.) Make sure you have Raid Tracker for EQDKP installed
Note - The CTRT & Itemstats that he has built-in for EQDKP Plus works great just make sure to install them

Once you have those installed go ahead and install Kelv's eqdkp_iframe.rar. Next all you do is down load the one that I have made for the index.php & Blocks and over write Kelv's. (The one I have done is for the Blocks i.e. menu's ONLY) I want to get with Kelv or someone who can take a look at the 3 other php files to get the username and password to working right. For some reason I am at a mental block and just can't see how it is working( Go figure old age :P ) I hope Kelv HINT HINT goes ahead and just adds what I have done to his to make it all one package.

To see it running go here and take a look. I have left the admin block so everyone can SEE it only, not use it. You may set yours so the admin of DF can only see it.

Now for the admin part. The Admin.zip contains the 3 php files that pass username and password to eqdkp so you don't have to log into both. I just can't seem to see how this is working. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
These are only the Blocks, Index.php & images
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Files for username & password passing
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Last edited by Arkel on Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:09 pm

Just to let you all know I am working on the next part to this where the Blocks will be Drop down menu's. It seems as I have really been looking at this the Admin menu part is a little long. So I am going to shorten it up a little with the Drop down menu.
Last edited by Arkel on Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby jimig1 » Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:36 am

any update to this with the username & password passing?
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Kelv » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:55 am

the way to fudge that is to pass the MD5 of the current user through to the eqdkp page, I felt this was waay too insecure to post, as this is the only thing you have after logging into the CMS, you could possibly make the dragonfly login process create a Eqdkp cookie, but this then means that you have changed too much existing dragonfly code, making it harder to upgrade for security patches etc. There is only really the raidplanner plugin that requires members to login anyway, and there are other options for that, raidninja, etc..
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Anaxent » Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:35 am

I have not personally looked into this raidplanner before but if it is anything like eqdkp it would have some sort of login class file which I am sure could be modified using Dragonflys user auth system kind of like what I did with the Roster port.

hmm i know there was also an eqdkp module made for df sometime ago which did auth i wonder if the auth class for it is simular to raidplanner.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:32 pm

Well i have been working with them a little over at EQDkp + and looking through the new .5 they are changing some things around. So I have been doing some new testing and rewriting it. Hope to get it done soon.
Last edited by Arkel on Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Kelv » Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:17 pm

I looked briefly into the df eqdkp mod. The last version of it I saw would need a complete rewrite to get the module system working (or re write every module).

RaidPlanner is a plugin and relys on the Eqdkp authentication, fix one you have fixed both.

I started to go down this path but realised that this was far too big a job for one person, so started modifying CPGNuCalendar instead (nothing ready for general use as yet).

Edit: -- Arkel Beat me to posting---
Yeah only downloaded the .5 nightly yesterday, noticed that they have an SMF authentication system... Hopefully will get chance to have a look at it later on.
Last edited by Kelv on Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:34 am

ok Kelv we need to bang our heads together here. They seen to have enter grated it with PhPBB 3. I got my test server setup and I am going to be taking a look at this to see how they are doing it. I did look at it in PhPBB 3 but I just don't like the feel of that CMS. Guess I am just a old dog :P I am waiting for Roster 2.0 to come out to see how to pass all of it back and forth with EQDKP + also.
Last edited by Arkel on Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Kelv » Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:59 pm

Well unless there were major changes in how things worked the pbpBB forums are where the dragonfly stuff came from shouldn't be too difficult :D

as for data exchange between roster and eqdkp, I would advise against it, the two databases structures can co-exist in the same DB without any modifications so there really is no need. You would only succeed in making something that is just a nightmare to maintain, just my opinion and I am often wrong :D

If your interested I can mail you the calendar mod ive been working on, kinda stuck at 5 levels of quotation escapes for the context sensitive popup menu's. That and my CSS sux :p But the bare bones are there :)
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Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby Arkel » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:40 pm

Well I got the .5 version of eqdkp + to work on my system. I found it rather odd that they have 6 or 7 CMS program but not a one for dragonfly. Anyways I will take a better look at it after this ssc this weekend. As far as putting it into dragonfly I see no problems at all. I would like to take a look at your calendar also. :) Not sure if Raid planner is what we are looking for. Just for grins I would LOVE to see Group Calendar some how get ported into the CPGNuCalendar. Anyways the master calls

Peace out & stay groovey
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Re: Eqdkp in an iframe...

Postby skidrow » Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:51 pm

Hi All,

I'v been trying to get your Iframe working and I seem to be having lots of problems and was hoping you could help.

It's all installed ok and working but for a few things.

1st when I installed it the first time my user name and password passed to Eqdkp ok and the only problems I could see was when I tried to add new members all the classes did not seem to correspond to wow classes and when I went in to the config panel I could see it but when I went to submit the changes I made I was getting an error "could not access config.php on this server"

2nd when I logged out of my site altogether and logged back in it stopped passing user name and passwords altogether and I can not get it to start again without a fresh install of Eqdkp.

They were the main problems I am having at the moment if I could get that working I could work on the rest later.

I might add I am very new to making web sites as this is my first attempt and I am using Df 9.2 and forums pro.

Thanks in advance.
BTW my site is www.razorsedge.org.au if you would like to have a look
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