When I go to the Menu Configuration, it defaults to the util buttons. I want to get to the guild buttons to rearrange those. So, I click over there on the little box on the left, select guild, and then click go. Surprise! I'm at the memberlist (my default page). Seems to default to whatever you have set as the default page when you put bad variables in the url.
Here's what the url has.
- Code: Select all
Obviously, it should be
- Code: Select all
Function linkform() seems to be outputting
- Code: Select all
<input type="hidden" name="ndex.php?p" value="rostercp-menu" />
So... it's trimming the
i from index.php and index.php? is still getting added to the front of that. Hrmm.. what's up with the %3F.. Is the ? getting changed to that? Eh.. i'm tired.. Have fun!