Transaltion for roster V2

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Transaltion for roster V2

Postby titan99 » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:05 pm

in attachement the french version to language file to Key BC V2

if somebody can make the translation in DE and ES.

thank you very much
language FR
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Re: Transaltion for roster V2

Postby daddelkopp » Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:46 pm

Hi Titan,

here is the german translation.

$lang['admin']['instance_list'] & $lang['admin']['quest_list'] is not full translated because I does not speak french. I cant imagen what the correct meaning is :D

I include the Questline for Black Temple & Eye of the Storm, too. Use it, or not :wink:

Thanks for your work
German translation
+ Black Temple
+ Eye of the Storm
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Transaltion for roster V2

Postby titan99 » Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:38 pm

for the questline for back temple is my instance test for admin panel

but its very good to include in your DE files

eye is open it seems to to me

for $lang['admin'] is in dev that can change

tank you for your translation
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Transaltion for roster V2

Postby titan99 » Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:58 pm

final version of language files

i'm need translation for US, DE, ES and check orthography for version FR


Code: Select all
$lang['KeyBC_menu'] = 'Clef BC|Affiche les clef des instances BC';
$lang['KeyBC_title_addon'] = 'Clef BC';

$lang['Quests'] = 'Quêtes';
$lang['Reputation'] = 'Reput.';

$lang['Objective'] = 'Objectif';
$lang['Current'] = 'Actuel';

$lang['Select'] = 'Select.';
$lang['keybc_title_change_quest'] = 'Modifier une quête d\'accés.';
$lang['keybc_title_change_reput'] = 'Modifier un accés de réputation.';
$lang['keybc_title_change_key'] = 'Modifier une clé.';
$lang['keybc_title_manage_key'] = 'Gestion des clés gérées pas l\'addons.';
$lang['keybc_title_manage_quest'] = 'Gestion des quêtes d\'accés';

$lang['id_key'] = 'index';
$lang['id_key_use'] = 'index unique pour tous les langues';

$lang['id_faction'] = 'Faction';
$lang['id_faction_use'] = 'H = Horde<br/>A = Alliance';

$lang['id_rfaction'] = 'Faction de Reput.';
$lang['id_rfaction_use'] = 'Faction de Reputation liée à la clé';

$lang['id_rlevel'] = 'Niveau de Reput.';
$lang['id_rlevel_use'] = 'Niveau de Reputation pour obtenir la clé';

$lang['id_display'] = 'Abrév.';
$lang['id_display_use'] = 'Abréviation pour l\'affichage court';

$lang['instance_name'] = 'Nom de l\'inst.';
$lang['instance_name_use'] = 'Nom de l\'instance ou de la zone d\'action de la clé';

$lang['key_name'] = 'Nom de la clé';
$lang['key_name_use'] = 'Nom exacte de la clé';

$lang['Type'] = 'Type';
$lang['Type_use'] = 'Type de la clé';

$lang['order'] = 'Ordre';
$lang['order_use'] = 'Ordre d\'affichage';

$lang['part'] = 'Nom de la quête';
$lang['part_use'] = 'Nom ig de la quête d\'accés';
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