What is happening is that Apache is seeing the supafly fast data transfer for the multiple calls that UU does one after the other after the other without a pause. When Apache sees this that specific IP gets blocked for a little bit. This is because UU is acting EXACTLY like a standard Brute Force script would. Sending and pulling data faster than a human could with a browser, in essence, trying to overload the server.
This is a bad thing.
My host is understanding, but there are some that are not, and without some sort of throttling mechanism built into UU, I can see people getting yelled at once their server host figures it out (It may take awhile as I found, but eventually they'll figure it out too).
That said, is there a way to throttle the Push/Pull transfer of UU so that there's a, say 5-10 second, pause in between each command sent to UA? This little pause should be enough to have apache not go apeshit on us.
A little backup for show:
It's eating server resources due to the non throttling and Apache going on the warpath.Top Process %CPU 26.0 /usr/bin/php update.php
She disabled modevasive for me to test both UU and UA to determine if it is, in fact, UU that is doing it, and yes, Apache goes on the warpath whenever UU hollers to talk to the server's UA installation.In addition, the use, due to the software and the way it is coded, is simulating a brute force attack on apache. We have had to completely remove our Apache Brute Force Evasive security system on that server in order to get rid of those errors - this is something I am absolutely unhappy about doing as you are the only domain with this issue with that security.
She then let me know in no uncertain terms that if a real brute force attack happens while she has disabled modevasive for me, she's gonna have a big case of the ass for me . I can understand her reasons though.
Some sort of thottling mechanism should be in place to avoid this. Please advise.