[svn 1234] incorrect stats being tagged as enchants

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[svn 1234] incorrect stats being tagged as enchants

Postby engleb » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:51 am

I think this is mentioned in the sticky about grey boxes, but I have a couple of characters with the incorrect stats on armor and weapons marked as enchants or with enchants missing entirely. I can send along a CP.lua file if it'll help in the parsing.

vigormortis: incorrect chest, wrists, main hand enchants and missing boots enchant (+7 Stamina)

freerange: incorrect head, chest, wrists enchants and missing boots enchant (also +7 Stamina)
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[svn 1234] incorrect stats being tagged as enchants

Postby ds » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:57 am

That is interesting.. Looks like I need to change up the logic a little bit.

Also sending the CP file wouldn't hurt. Thanks for the report!
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Re: [svn 1234] incorrect stats being tagged as enchants

Postby engleb » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:27 am

attached is the CP.lua file, hopefully it helps!
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