Zeshi wrote:At the Top of all my pages I get this error
Warning: opendir(/homepages/26/d208414758/htdocs/roster/addons) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /homepages/26/d208414758/htdocs/roster/lib/menu.php on line 284
Also i have no Clue how to install addons its not a very clear process on the admin pannel.
I think these two phrases are much related.
You'll be happy afetr reading this page: it's all there.
Do not read any other 'explanation about this item : You'll find the through only here.
Zeshi wrote:and last i cannot upload any of my LUA files they all say :
Parsing files
Did not accept GuildProfiler.lua
Parsing files
Error while parsing CharacterProfiler after 0.01 seconds
any idea what im doing wrong?
What : ones again : some one is trying to upload the GuildProfier.lua file : or, on this forum it’s stated very clearly every 10 posts :
“Only upload CharacterProfiler.lua (the file in the SavedVariables Directory – NOT the Add On, Please) – never touch or use the GuildProfiler.lua file”
The Add On GuildProfiler outputs all the needed info in the CharacterProfiler.lua – and this is the ONLY file to upload.
The Guild info in it is used WHEN you give also the Roster password.
What ?
There is a Wiki about this also :shock:
Ok : here it is :