HKs in SigGen

A signature and avatar generator addon

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HKs in SigGen

Postby seleleth » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:11 pm


I remember there was a post in the old forums about including the option to show HKs in sigs/avatars. You replied saying that sounded like a good idea. I'm curious, is this in the works?

I was about to just go ahead and do it myself and record all the changes made so I could post them here. But if there's an official change coming I'd rather leave it to you.

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HKs in SigGen

Postby zanix » Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:01 am

Unfortunatly with the hack that happened, I havn't looked into this
If you want to, you can code somthing for me, and I'll include it in

The hardest part is figuring out how configurable to make this
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HKs in SigGen

Postby seleleth » Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:55 am

Hmm... well it should definitely be consistent with the other display options.

At a glance, I'd need to add a config box for HK display under "Text Config". I'd need to add 8 new fields to the av and sig tables. I'd need to figure out how you convert that data into text displayed inside the image and modify it for this function.

Maybe I'll check that out when I'm back at work and am bored. I'm off all this week so I have no free time. (Ironic, but true.)
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Re: HKs in SigGen

Postby Maurd » Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:03 pm

Oh please, oh please! Pretty, pretty please!

The most consistent people uploading data to our roster are the people who PvP and they don't care if their signature shows that they're 300 Herb/Alch and can ride a Raptor -- they want to show off how many HKs and DKs they have (or don't).

I tried to work on this on my own, but I'm apparently too inept to figure out how to make Siggen retrieve and manipulate the PvPLog data. :(
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