First off:
I'm getting an 'Roster Error / The module [index] does not exist' on the Starttup page. Not sure what this involves but happens on all startups.
SQL code
- Code: Select all
Line Time Query
119 0.001 5SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
381 0.0012 SELECT * FROM `roster_addon`;
364 0.0011 SELECT count(`member_id`) AS `amount`, IF(`note` LIKE '%alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS label FROM `roster_members` WHERE `level` > 30 GROUP BY isalt, label;
482 0.0009 SELECT `name`, `server`, `region` FROM `roster_upload` WHERE `default` = '1' LIMIT 1;
555 0.0013 SELECT `mb`.*, `a`.`basename` FROM `roster_menu_button` AS mb LEFT JOIN `roster_addon` AS a ON `mb`.`addon_id` = `a`.`addon_id`;
572 0.001 SELECT * FROM `roster_menu` WHERE `section` IN ('util','realm','guild') ORDER BY `config_id`;
18 0.003 5SELECT `member_id`, `name` FROM `roster_members` ORDER BY `name`;
Second off:
Characters loaded with no guild information, and that belong to a guild, end up in the Guildless-A group. And no matter what I try, cuold not get them to display.
Upload all guild information, The characters are still listed as Guildless-A. The Guild name for the character does not seem to change.

Third off:
When you call up a guild member list for the first time of entering, you get a "No Guild Data / Could not find guild: '' for server '' / You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration / Click here for installation instructions" message. although there are guilds listed in the drop down box. Obviously does not defaut to the top listed Guild name.
SQL Code
- Code: Select all
Line Time Query
119 0.0016 SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
381 0.0013 SELECT * FROM `roster_addon`;
248 0.0014 SELECT `name`, `server`, `region` FROM `roster_upload` WHERE `default` = '1' LIMIT 1;
286 0.001 SELECT * FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = "" AND `server` = "" AND `region` = "";
165 0.0012 SELECT `guild_name`, CONCAT(`region`,'-',`server`), `guild_id` FROM `roster_guild` ORDER BY `region` ASC, `server` ASC, `guild_name` ASC;
364 0.004 SELECT count(`member_id`) AS `amount`, IF(`note` LIKE '%alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS label FROM `roster_members` WHERE `level` > 30 AND `guild_id` = '' GROUP BY isalt, label;
555 0.0014 SELECT `mb`.*, `a`.`basename` FROM `roster_menu_button` AS mb LEFT JOIN `roster_addon` AS a ON `mb`.`addon_id` = `a`.`addon_id`;
572 0.001 SELECT * FROM `roster_menu` WHERE `section` IN ('util','realm','guild') ORDER BY `config_id`;
18 0.0036 SELECT `member_id`, `name` FROM `roster_members` ORDER BY `name`;
My Public test site.
Other than that. Keep up the good work.

Zanix: cannot seem to download the [1227] update package from the Roster diag page. Just seem to get a text list.
Zanix, Got the File. Download does not like netscape in IE Mode.