1. Navigate to Upload Rules from RosterCP
2. Click on checkbox for "Default"
3. Enter Guild Name into Guild Name field
4. Enter Server Name into Server Name field
5. Enter Region into Region field
6. Click Add
7. Click ctrl-shift refresh
8. In Firefox, you are provided with a POST message warning.
9. Click OK on this warning.
Note for every time you refresh, a new entry for the Guild created in steps 1-6 is created on the page. (Although the Guild table in the database doesn't appear to be updated when this happens.)
What version of PHP are you using? 5.1.6
What version of MySQL are you using? 5.0.27-standard-log
Is it your own server or hosted? If hosted, by whom? (we see heaps of limitations and problems with hosted services, eg. GeoCities, Yahoo, and others) BlueHost
What version of CharacterProfiler, GuildProfiler, and PvPLog (if being used) are you using? CP 2.1.1, GP 2.1.0
What language is your system, server, WoW server, etc.? English