Yep, it worked
I have no idea what impact this has. The package was originally compiled against libmysqlclient12 while libmysqlclient14 was in the repository already. Knowing Debian there probably was a good reason for it. This might break stuff, but nothing has broken for me so far.
The .deb can be downloaded from this location:
It's a recompile of the latest version available for sarge (including it's security updates). It has the exact same version number as the original package so if another security updates gets released it will get upgraded just fine (but it will again be linked against the old mysql-client libraries)
Instructions to recompile the package yourself:
First make sure you have the source repositories added in /etc/apt/sources.list
My lines look like this:
- Code: Select all
deb-src sarge main
deb-src sarge/updates main
Make sure to run an
apt-get update if you did not have those lines in your sources.list already.
Next, we'll be installing the dependencies needed for the recompile, and next to that we'll install fakeroot so we won't need root access to compile the packages.
- Code: Select all
apt-get build-dep php4-mysql
apt-get install fakeroot
apt-get install libmysqlclient14-dev
The last line will remove the libmysqlclient12-dev because it conflicts. That's good and supposed to happen.
Switch back to a regular user now, we're going to download the sources of php4-mysql, do this by executing the following:
- Code: Select all
apt-get source php4-mysql
The sources should be downloaded and unpacked automatically. Now we'll make an small change. Edit the file php4-4.3.10/debian/control and replace libmysqlclient12-dev by libmysqlclient14-dev on the 6th line.
- Code: Select all
cd php4-4.3.10/debian/
sed -e s/libmysqlclient12-dev/libmysqlclient14-dev/ control >
mv control
Now we're ready to start compiling:
- Code: Select all
cd ..
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
If this gives errors about missing dependencies, switch to root and use apt-get to install them. Shouldn't be needed though as we already should have to needed packages.
If all goes well your pc will be busy for quite a while. Don't get scared if you see warnings scrolling by, that's normal. When the compiling is finished you should find the resulting packages in the directory one level up. Install the php4-mysql package like this:
- Code: Select all
cd ..
dpkg -i php4-mysql_4.3.10-22_i386.deb
I think this is it, if I forgot a step let me know