New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

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New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Anaxent » Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:54 am

Hello everyone in the dragonfly community! since Roster 1.8 is nearing a beta and release I would like to show ya a new theme I have been working on. This theme was originally build by Eestland which was named Redesign. Redesign was going for a full table less design, but unfortunately due to df core it was not fully possible so there is one table now in the theme to build the format of the page then the rest is now using all div containers(which really can not wait until css3). So now on to the new WoW design. With the new design I have changed most of the images used and added a few new features.

Added styleswtich - this will allow the user to change the css styles of the page as well as change from fluid to fixed display.

Added Lightbox 2 effects to bbcode - This may take some modification to get working if you use the bbcode hack.

So far everything displays pretty well in all browsers even safari granted I did make a change yesterday that I need to track down that messed up the display in IE browsers. Because this theme is still an RC theme from the original designer I would like to see his released version before I let this one go, but on the other hand I want this available for when Roster 1.8 is released.

Here is a link to the dev site
Last edited by Anaxent on Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby mashed » Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:38 pm

Very smart looking.

In your forums, the users avatar.. is that going to be linked to the roster?
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Re: New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby RottGutt » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:55 pm

Really cool, Anaxent. Just from the look of the avatars in your test Forums, I am giving serious thought to upgrading my forums to ForumsPro. I am really digging the details of the avatars. I know I read somewhere how to make this work with ForumsPro, so I am goint to try and track it down. This might be the weekend I upgrade my site! Anyow, I would like to extend a heartfelt "thank you" for everything you do for the DF and WoWRoster community. We love ya man!

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Re: New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Anaxent » Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:46 am

mashed wrote:Very smart looking.

In your forums, the users avatar.. is that going to be linked to the roster?

hmm... I really forgot I had the avatar stuff still in there...
Right now that part is just a bunch of images I still need to add some logic into he forumspro core file which im sure I could create another theme package that has the fix to allow this. I still do not have the images fully linked into roster but that is my goal if one of the roster addons is installed and activated allow the image to be shown as well as a link to the addon.
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Re: New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Anaxent » Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:52 am

Well the theme is passing as valid xhtml and valid css now. And i have been given permission to release this them from the original designer Eestland. So it will not be too much longer before I have this theme uploaded for you guys.

Last edited by Anaxent on Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby mashed » Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:29 am

NIce.. look forward to it mate ;)
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Re: New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Kelv » Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:43 pm

Some images I have collected/made for a forumspro suitable for a dark theme. Mainly hand drawn admin buttons :s
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New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Anaxent » Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:31 am

Klev, very nice thank you I am uploading the new images now and working on theming a few more modules, but other than that the theme is just about done.
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New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Arkel » Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:12 pm

I must say I like the lightbox feature. Will you be able to add this as a module or will it be part of the them?

I JUST finished totaly redoing our website and the hairs that are not turning gray I pulled out:P

I will say this THANK YOU all for the modules & great programming here. Made my life ALOT easier!

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Re: New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Anaxent » Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:31 pm

Arkel wrote:I must say I like the lightbox feature. Will you be able to add this as a module or will it be part of the them?

I JUST finished totaly redoing our website and the hairs that are not turning gray I pulled out:P

I will say this THANK YOU all for the modules & great programming here. Made my life ALOT easier!

[ [url=] ][/url]

Im really not sure on how to offer it. It is not able to be a module and alot could be theme based but it should also be added to the bbcode hack too.
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New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Mokane » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:04 am

Lightbox really doesnt need a module. Basically it can be applied to any theme out there right now. Its just a couple of js files and css file that can be installed. Although making a bbcode button for it would be nice.
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Re: New WoW_Redesign Theme in the works for DF

Postby Anaxent » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:10 pm

Mokane wrote:Lightbox really doesnt need a module. Basically it can be applied to any theme out there right now. Its just a couple of js files and css file that can be installed. Although making a bbcode button for it would be nice.

Right it can be applied to any theme its self but would need to be incorperated into some sort of module maybe for core bbcode functions which remindes me that is building the nbbcode module that will offer us a tabbed addon system for bbcode buttons..hmm it would be cool to see this plugged into that.

Well I also wanted to let you guys know I have been making a few design changes to this theme the main one is the menu which is now above the header to give us more room for a logo and the menu will now follow you up and down the page as you scroll up and down.
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