Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

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Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby Endricane » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:50 am

My guild has been thinking of using WoWRoster, and we were wondering whether or not RPGo or some other third-party addon is required for using this.

Were looking for a Roster Management that doesn't require any member input or having to have all of our members use a certain thing. The guild leader and officers would not have a problem using RPGo/etc, but the rest of the members don't want to.

I was also wondering whether there was a feature on WoWRoster that would show the history of the members in the guild. (Ex: Character Example1 joins the guild, and a week later leaves. Is there a menu where you can show this?)

Also, one other thing, I'm pretty sure I've seen that it does, but just to make sure, is there a feature on WoWRoster where you can add notes to certain people? (Ex: Character Example2 is a helpful guy. So on the site, can we add something that would say that?)

-Endricane :)
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Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby zanix » Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:24 pm

WoWRoster uses the same WoW addons that RPGO uses, CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler
As for other members not using a certain thing, there is an addon for Roster that attempts to sync the members lists and character data with the WoW Armory

There is a member log for Roster, it is built in, but it is only as accurate as often as you update the guild list (the times are only updated when you update the member list), as it can appear that a member joins and leaves at the same time
We are working on this for 1.8, the times will always be when you update the list

There is currently no feature in Roster to add or modify player notes
It does, however, display player notes in the member list

Now, as for some major differences from RPGO

There is no logging into Roster, it does not have a user auth system
The only user is the Roster Admin, and this is for updating the member list
All control of Roster lies with the Roster Admin, such as the display of bags, gold, etc...

WoWRoster is ran on your webserver, we do not provide hosting
We are thinking about it, but the community pays for our server
So unfortunately, we would have to charge for any hosted solution

So with all that said, good luck and I hope Roster is everything you are looking for
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Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby Endricane » Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:02 pm

Thanks Zanix.

Two more things though.

A) Does WoWRoster keep history of members? Or will it just delete them when it is synced? Suppose we could use for history, but it would be nice if it was all-in-one.
--Just re-read your post, is this what you were talking about with the "Member Log"?

B) For the notes, will the public and officer's one both show up?

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Re: Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby tuigii » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:19 pm

Endricane wrote:....--Just re-read your post, is this what you were talking about with the "Member Log"?

This log contains Guild member-entry and Guild member-leaving records.

Endricane wrote:B) For the notes, will the public and officer's one both show up?
Only if YOU want that they should show.
By default, I Think, the Public one is, and Officer's isn't, if memory serves me well.

Check over here to see how it 'could' work

Using the WoWRoster without user (=GuildMember input) BUT counting on the Armory to fill it up.... means: stick with the Armory, because what their site is showing will be shown in the WoWRoster although WoWRoster will be much faster, and it’s ‘yours’ :D.

The real advantage of WoWRosters is something that Blizzard and it's Armory doesn't offer -and never will: It's shows the info to your Guild what made up the Guild in the first place: all those 'missions', stuff, crafts etc etc to share.
A Guild is supposed to work together, because Blizzard invented tasks that can't be done by just one person, groups are needed, and thus the Guild concept is born. WoWRosters isn't just a tool to help the Guild and its GM / Officers to coordinate common activity (I'm still remembering all those papers on my walls). It actually shows "who knows what from where with what and when what should be done is having want's to have knows about has done already and has the access…..".

Now, please understand me well here: there is a final solution for the "Guild members should DO something": A Guild personalised version of UniUpLoader.
One zip file, with one executable in it, that doesn't need to be set up (because you did this in advance – a simple process), that does all the work for your members. They should and they don't need to do anything anymore – just unzip, execute the installer – clicking four times on ‘next’ – finish – done!. And I'm not kidding here.
HOWEVER: they need to know the WHY ! No-one should never install an executable without the WHY part – YOU owe that to them – and it’s the HOW ‘you go’na do this job’ that will determine the success of your project.

If they refuse to cooperate on this one: throw them out: because these are fake members in your Guild : Let's face it : they took hundreds of hours of their time to level up in WoW - but they refuse to take 15 minutes (on TS : even lower) to help the Guild as an entity.... (the cooperation part of a grouped set of people.)

(Remember: this IS my private opinion): throw them out ( :wink: ) : Let them go to Kevin country.

I hope you get my point of view ;-)
Sorry for messing up your subject.
Last edited by tuigii on Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby Endricane » Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:10 am

tuigii wrote:I hope you get my point of view ;-)
Sorry for messing up your subject.

I'd be lying if it was the first time. :twisted: :lol:

Suppose we could try UniUploader, but I know the Guild Leader would absolutely refuse kicking anyone out for not using it. We probably will end up using WoWRoster, if anything for the history of the members. Just need something to put up on our site.

PS: For UniUploader, does that ever have to be updated? Or can we just use one version forever?
Last edited by Endricane on Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby zanix » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:00 am

UU gets auto updates, so you shouldn't have to worry about that
Unless the user turns it off, which isn't much of a problem if you package your own UU for download and manage the settings with UA
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Question about RPGo+WoWRoster

Postby Endricane » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:51 am

Ahh, ok, I'll have to see if someone in my guild can't get UniAdmin workin.

Thanks Zanix, and Tuigii.
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