Dragonfly Video Module

Dragonfly integration forum

Dragonfly Video Module

Postby Hardball » Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:52 am

I downloaded and successfully installed the Video_Stream mod. You can check it out at my site. HERE. However I do have a question. If you notice on the video page when you click the actual video. The columns and charts that show up on the side with the emmbedded HTML link and HTML link as well are a blueish color that looks rather ugly with the theme of my site. Where would I go to change the colo of these bars. ALSO if you notice when you mouse over a clickable link all clickable links get underlines. Any idea how to fix this?
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Re: Dragonfly Video Module

Postby Hardball » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:29 am

Ehh pardon my respost but uhh.....46 views and no one know how? Sure someone must know? It is kind of annoying having all of the lines and miscolored bars isn't it?
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Dragonfly Video Module

Postby Pugro » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:42 am

Not looked at this at all, in terms of the mod but a quick view source looks like the following class is being applied to the cells with the issue:


Search for the defn of that and change it.

Guess the link thing could be due to some funky tags not closed or something. Try validating the page.
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