Any Help Please

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Any Help Please

Postby Hardball » Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:16 am

Hello I am new to this site and well I have run into a problem and I have seen the support on this site and it is great. So hopefully you can all help me here. Now i am not a coder or an expereineced computer user but I can follow instructions quite well. So here is my issue.

I have just built a nice website using Dragonfly for my WoW Guild. Now I see some sites use these recruitment blocks and such that show what position are open and which are wanted etc. Like this one for instance:

And then when you click the Recruitment page button it brings you to a whole new survery thing to punch in and fill out and e-mails it to the admin. Now I am trying to put this in my site and well I can't. Everyone I have downloaded all has the same files in it with jsut different names. And I have not the slightest idea how to install it. The closest I got was to activating it BUT it screwed up my whole font on my website and produced errors and uttterly destroyed my site and still never appeared. So i had remove it.

My question is this. can anyone please provide me one that is working and some nice instruction on how to install it. The readme in the files dont help. Please and thanks in advance.

EDIT: If you need a link to my site I will be glad to give it. I just would really like to get this working and I see so many sites have it so it can't be to hard. And I am using the most current version of Dragonfly.
Last edited by Hardball on Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Any Help Please

Postby Anaxent » Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:04 pm

Here is the version I have been using ... t=345.html
Now to install it you will fist have to goto the admin -> modules section of DF click install on the Application module then activate the Application and Recruitment Settings module. After that has been done you can then enable the blocks and setup the Recruitment Settings. For the Application module to make a detailed post to your forums you will need to also have FroumsPro module installed which imho is better than the forums that come preinstalled with DF infact it is also what we here at use for forums. If you have it installed you can set the forum post id's for each class.
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Re: Any Help Please

Postby Hardball » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:39 pm

Okay so i downloaded


Those where the only ones I saw on that link. They were rite, rite? Now i extracted them to my desktop but the readme says to: Unzip using the "Use folder names" option enabled to extract the files into the proper location.
This can be done on the server (in the modules folder of your dragonfly installation) or to a local temp folder
(uploading the individual files seperately).

Does this mean I have to upload all of those folders into the moduel folder
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Any Help Please

Postby gyrantol » Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:00 pm

you only need the recruitment module as that is the one that is the most up to date..

you need to put the following folders in the modules folder of your df installation

application and recruitment_settings

the file in the blocks folder goes in to your blocks folder in df

and the file in languague/english goes in to your language/english folder in df also....

then go to modules on your website/admin and click install on the application mod. You won't have a install option for recruitment settings but you can edit it to assign permissions to a certain group if you wish.

you can then go to the blocks setup in the admin area and add the recruitment block...

as Anaxent said the forums post option needs to have forums pro 2 installed.
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Any Help Please

Postby Hardball » Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:39 am

Thank you so much for the help I got it installed but now there is another problem. When i go to the block you cannot see if recruitment is closed, high, medium, low, etc. All it shows is the class and nothing next to it. Also when you click on Apply Now button it goes to a screen with the Sqare and the X in the corner it is suppsoe to be the STOP sign but i dont have that image and below it there is nothing except the classes listed again but nothing next to them. And when i go to settings to try and list the recruitment and edit it. Nothing appears except for drop down menues with nothing in them. AND where it says to pick a server only two are listed. Any idea why this is happening? I installed everything according to directions.

Thanks again

EDIT: And I dont have forums pro dont know how to get it or install it but I am happy with it being e-mailed to me becasue i check the e-mails frequently.
Last edited by Hardball on Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Any Help Please

Postby Anaxent » Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:04 am

It sounds like you do not have the image pack for the module. I try and do a search for the image pack and maybe a more complete module for you but here is where you can get the forums pro module and it installes just like all other modules.
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Any Help Please

Postby Hardball » Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:53 am

Alrite thank you very much Anaxent. I will install the forums pro soon as well. Also if you can find a more complete version that would be great. I will look for one as well.

EDIT: Okay I got forums-pro working and installed and activated now. But is there a way i can keep the icons it uses WoWThemed? Becasue the forums pro-default templ doesnt look that good with the WoW themeed website.

EDIT 2: I jsut relized something. I was trying to rearange things on my site to make it look nicer. I am useing the WoWTBC template by the way. And I was trying to move the blocks around. Now i think i was doing it the right way. I juest went to Block Admin and selected the block I wanted to move and clicked on right instead of left. Now that worked and once I refreshed the block disappeared from the left but never reappeared on the right. Any idea why this is happening? It seems that all my blocks have to be on the left side. And that is NOT good at all.
Last edited by Hardball on Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Any Help Please

Postby gyrantol » Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:06 pm

go to the modules page and find what is set as site default. click on edit and you can set the blocks on there the choices are i believe left, right, both and none. I suggest you set it to both. A

s for the block are you using the block from Razac's version? the reason why was that the images used to point to a different location before. He changed them on that version, that is why I suggested you just use that one....

Also if you edit any of the php files don't use Microsoft word it can stop things working like the logon security images if you use them...
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Re: Any Help Please

Postby Hardball » Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:23 pm

Ahh why thank you. Okay it all works good now. Thanks so much.
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