Heee, that what I thought.
Opening the admin pages is slow.
One’s all things are loaded/settled, it's ok.
I'm admining 3 roster with an average Guilde size of 110 persons - they all show the same behaviour.
What I noticed:
Throwing out all add on's doesn't speed up things. I tried - emptied my cache - retried.
But I'm convinced that it IS related to the number of persos present in the Roster.
Amory Sync just made my rosters files bigger yet
I also saw this 100% CPU usage - and true is that IE7 really blocks for about 15 seconds (using a dual core 2,6 Ghz !).
Firefox does a little bit better.
To make a point, and a long story short :
Open roster/css/js/mainjs.js and out-quote these lines :
- Code: Select all
for(var i=0; i<radioGroup.length; i++){
radioGroup[i].label.className = ((radioGroup[i].checked=(radioGroup[i].id == e.id))
&& radioGroup[i].label) ? onClass : offClass;
with a /* ... and a */.
Save mainjs.js back on the server.
Welcome, your Roster admin part is back in
hyper drive mode
One side effect: no more nice radio button - only the standard ones.
In my opinion: a small price to pay.
What happening ?
When the mainjs.js -> function
toggleLabelStyle start to convert all these radio buttons, you will see a performance hit.
Throwing out
ADAMS's RADIO CUSTOMISATION (or: disabling it) will help a lot.
Should we go for SUN Java ? Didn't try that one