I'm nearly done the talents for the enUS version, but I need some help - preferably by people who are a little technically savvy. The first problem I have is with the images. CharacterProfiler gives the image name as part of the xml under the talents attribute. That works fine - as long as your character has talents

Right now, I only have 4 different classes that are level 10+, so I need help from the following other 5 classes: druid, paladin, rogue, warrior, and warlock. If you could please send your CharacterProfiler.lua to me in an email, I would appreciate it. Alternatively, if you know of a way to map talents to their associated WR.net icons, that would REALLY help!
The second thing I need help with is internationalization. I was able to extract the talents by going to
http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/basic ... lents.html , viewing the page source, downloading the associated javascript files, and parsing through them. However, they're all in English, and I haven't the slightest idea on how to change the language (it could, very well, be right in front of my face, and at this point I would actually still miss it). Does Blizzard's Talent Calculator come in German, Spanish, French, etc. versions? If so, what javascript files do they use?
Thanks in advance for any help!