This results in a problem where someone's character gets put into the roster by officer A, but when officer B logs out later, without having a last look at the ingame memberlist, officer B updates the roster with an older version of the guildlist, resulting in the previously added member to be removed again.
This isn't a very big issue in standard roster usage, but within our website, the roster in integrated entirely into the website, where forum usernames are matched against roster main-names (which are saved in the note-field), resulting in a list of characters per member, which they can subscribe into our custom-made raiding system, etc.
My question; is there a build possibility to ensure that the roster will only update when the rosterlist itself is newer than the previous version? If so, where can I find it. If not, then is there someone who has already looked into this problem and what were his/her finding (cq. is it possible at all/does the CharacterProfiler.lua even have a timestamp)?
Any other (handy) remaks on this subject are welcome as well of course

I have been doing some searches on this forum about similair problems, but haven't been able to find a page. Should you know one, then I'd be very happy if you could link the topic for me