poetter wrote:how can a user supress the upload of gold, bank, mailbox, etc...?
Is that a Uniuploader setting or is it in WoWRosterDF?
These items are scanned by CP.
CP, as of today, doesn't offer any possibility to exclude this.
So, when you open your bank, CP will send over to the Roster what's in it.
That means money, mailbox (btw : without the text, just "from who" and the subject line and, if present, enclosed objects).
Please note that when you have an object like "Drakefire Amulet" in your bank sacs, it would be nice that it showed up in the Roster. This amulet isn't a key! So, your asking to not send over your bags, with some exceptions, otherwise access “objects” won’t be shown.
Live with this knowledge: the Roster maintainer CAN see what all members have in there bags - even if they aren't being shown. [Even ordinary user can: just use the search function in the Roster, it WILL go through all sacs of everyone - even if these containers aren't shown in the roster ).
Please note that a Roster maintainer CAN see your Gold pieces.
You can’t live with that?
Don’t use a Roster…
Don’t play in groups and raids (‘they’ know what you looted ;-) )
Don’t be guilded,
Don’t even connect, Blizzards knows everything…. : - ))
What you could do : modify the add on CP so it won’t include bags, mail and bank…… or edit the CharacterProfiler.lua file before sending it over, if you comfortable with the format used.