[HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

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[HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

Postby Cigaras » Thu Jun 28, 2007 10:40 pm

Very simple noobish question: How to make my forum look like this (I'm talking about avatars) http://www.wow-deception.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=341?

I have DragonFly, WoWRosterDF 1.7.3 (with SigGen included) installed on my server with default community forums, is it necesary to have ForumsPro and if it is, can I use version or I need
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[HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

Postby zanix » Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:58 am

Ah, Anaxent's site
You would have to ask him

ForumsPro doesn't work with DF, you have to use
Read the Forum Rules, the WiKi, and Search before posting!
WoWRoster v2.1 - SigGen v0.3.3.523 - WoWRosterDF
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Re: [HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

Postby RottGutt » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:03 am

WOW! That really is awesome! Come on Anaxent, tell us how to do that!

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Re: [HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

Postby tuigii » Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:08 am

zanix wrote:You would have to ask him..

Well, I'm sure you know 'how he did it' cause you're doing not very different with SigGen.
It has to do with :
A basic background,
Take even more info from the roster database,
Fill in the text info,
and paste also a lot of images in the background image.

I'm realy impressed.

PS : I don't think it has to do with a special kind of CMS.
Any one that accepts Avatars or Signatures (in this case : rater big ones) can handle them.
Last edited by tuigii on Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

Postby Cigaras » Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:41 am

I do not need so much info on avatar, the sigen generated image and a link to roster would be enaugh, i just do not know how to syncronise forum registered users with roster characters...
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Re: [HELP NEEDED] roster+siggen+forums

Postby Anaxent » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:10 am

Ah yeah this is still a work in progress ... that has been put on hold for a bit but so far to get what I do have was not hard at all. Basiclly the df system has a avatar function that will use the correct avatar based off the user decission in there cp weather it were to be one on the system, uploaded, linked or default. So What I have done was made all parts of this function use the path for the siggens avatars to get me started which all users will now use the siggen images even if they are not apart of the roster. In time I would like for it to do checks against the df users and roster users and would probably get to that when roster has a user system setup.

so lines ~ 285 - 304 of

Code: Select all
$poster_avatar = '';
                if ($board_config['show_avatars'] && $userinfo['user_show_avatars']) {
                        if (!$poster_anonymous) {
                                switch($post['user_avatar_type']) {
                                        case _FPRO_CONSTUSER_AVATAR_UPLOAD:
                                                $poster_avatar = getlink('wowrosterdf&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=avatar&member='.$poster_name.'&etag=0');
                                                //$poster_avatar = ($MAIN_CFG['avatar']['allow_upload'] ? $MAIN_CFG['avatar']['path'].'/'.$post['user_avatar'] : '');
                                        case _FPRO_CONSTUSER_AVATAR_REMOTE:
                                                $poster_avatar = getlink('wowrosterdf&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=avatar&member='.$poster_name.'&etag=0');
                                                //$poster_avatar = ($MAIN_CFG['avatar']['allow_remote'] ? $post['user_avatar'] : '');
                                        case _FPRO_CONSTUSER_AVATAR_GALLERY:
                                                $poster_avatar = getlink('wowrosterdf&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=avatar&member='.$poster_name.'&etag=0');
                                                //$poster_avatar = ($MAIN_CFG['avatar']['allow_local'] ? $MAIN_CFG['avatar']['gallery_path'].'/'.$post['user_avatar'] : '');
                         if (empty($poster_avatar)) {
                        $poster_avatar = getlink('wowrosterdf&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=avatar&member='.$poster_name.'&etag=0');

Now as you notice I have commented out a few lines here which try to use DF for avatars which I really only wanted my site to use siggen but if you wanted to allow your users to use the df avatar system and use siggen for all default images you can also do this. Now this file is only for forums pro and I know there are blocks and other files also use a avatar function which can be changed in the same way.

Now for any of the extra buttons like the recipes or links to the character profile you can set them up with in this file for forums pro by creating new template variables for them. Like for using Rosters sigs for each post

around line 562 under poster_signiture i added a new variable that I can use in the template file which creates the posters sig from roster
Code: Select all
'S_ROSTER_SIGNATURE' => '<hr><br><img src="'.getlink(wowrosterdf&amp;file=addon&amp;roster_addon_name=siggen&amp;mode=signature&amp;member='.$poster_name.'&amp;etag=0').' " />',

I hope this helps you guys out and maybe one of you can help in finishing this project for forumspro
Last edited by Anaxent on Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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