Debugger looks fine but upload doesn't happen

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Debugger looks fine but upload doesn't happen

Postby Doloxene » Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:16 pm

I have spent 2 hours searching this forum for similar troubles. I haven't found any posts about this problem with a debugger looking like mine. I'm sorry if this problem, is already being discussed somewhere.

I am having trouble with UniUploader. Or rather, I have trouble uploading with it. I suspect the problem lies on my own end, since the debugger isn't showing any errors. But, since I'm not very good at php, I'm posting this so you guys can have a look. This is what I did:

I manually uploaded my CharacterProfiler.lua and GuildProfiler.lua files this morning. Then I noticed that my UU wasn't auto- uploading (or at least our roster.php wasn't receiving it properly)

I uninstalled UniUploader, CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler, and removed all the .lua files.

I reinstalled the CP and GP addons, reinstalled and set up UU according to the settings thing on the wiki.

I launched WoW, opened various windows and also clicked "save" in the guild window.

In WoW, I typed /GP export and /CP export. They gave the info, and there was no red text.

I closed WoW, went to UU, clicked "Show SVs", and checked the GuildProfiler and CharacterProfiler, (and "SavedVariables" just to be sure even tough I doubt it has anything to do with anything.)

I opened WoW and repeated the windows opening and clicking "save" in the guild window.

I exited WoW and went to my guild's roster. No update has happened.

The UU debugger says:

[2007-06-25 11:41:02] SV File Change Detected, initiating Upload
[2007-06-25 11:41:03] Uploading to Primary URL...:
[2007-06-25 11:41:03] GuildProfiler.lua - No Compression. Upload Size: 0 KB
[2007-06-25 11:41:03] SavedVariables.lua - No Compression. Upload Size: 1 KB
[2007-06-25 11:41:03] CharacterProfiler.lua - No Compression. Upload Size: 219 KB

Looks like it did upload, but when I go to the, it still shows the info I manually updated this morning.
GuildProfiler.lua file did upload but it was 0 kb, so it was empty?

What am I doing wrong? Or should I be PMing the Webmaster? ;)

Doloxene of Proxima, Quel'Thalas
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Debugger looks fine but upload doesn't happen

Postby MattM » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:47 am

those are the correct filesizes

check the server response tab
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Re: Debugger looks fine but upload doesn't happen

Postby tuigii » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:49 pm

Doloxene wrote:I manually uploaded my CharacterProfiler.lua and GuildProfiler.lua files this morning.

Don't use or touch the GuildProfiler.lua file, the roster isn't needing it, neither askinh for it - true is that this isn't well enough underlined in the Wiki.... - anyway, look at it (in it !!) it's a nearly empty file anyway..
Doloxene wrote:I closed WoW, went to UU, clicked "Show SVs", and checked the GuildProfiler and CharacterProfiler, (and "SavedVariables" just to be sure even tough I doubt it has anything to do with anything.)
Even for complete Guild update, CharacterProfiler.lua will do if GuildProfiler (the Add On) is installed - remove the other two from your list - your upping unneeded info to your Roster.

Try upload - by hand or with UniLoader - only CharacterProfiler.lua.
Do a manual try before, and see if the roster 'eats' your CP file.
If using UniLoader, check the ServerReply page - all should be well.
Last edited by tuigii on Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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