[FIXED] Security Warning

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AKA java UniUploader

[FIXED] Security Warning

Postby mfoley » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:11 am

I just recently invoked the webstart (first time since the .9 release) and it went through this whole jre 1.6 install and then at the end, I'm met with this security warning (see attached screenshot). While I'm confident this isn't malicious code, it will be difficult for me to manage this perception with the members of our guild (which have proven to be reluctant to mess with the Win32 UniUploader). One of the reasons why I was going to push this method of updating the guild roster was to reduce the amount of involvement from the user and to have it merely be a one-click process.

Along with the JRE 1.6 requirement, there is this warning requesting the user not to run the app. Is there any way around this?
java_security_warning.jpg (27.5 KiB) Viewed 866 times
Last edited by mfoley on Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Security Warning

Postby lhunath » Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:48 am

Unless you have a few hundered $/EUR for me, I won't be able to purchase an official certificate to sign my webstart applications with :)

This dialog shows up because my java application is self-signed. That basically means there's no security company that's verified my identity etc. You'll have to content yourself with that =)

In any case, the source code for this application is always available from:
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[OPEN] Security Warning

Postby lhunath » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:07 am

Sorry, I will be updating my certificate.

Fixed. Updated JARs uploaded.
Last edited by lhunath on Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[OPEN] Security Warning

Postby mfoley » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:27 am

hehe...I was afraid the certificate might be some sort of expense for you.

In any case, I have "quasi-published" the link to our JNLP file in response to a user that was going through the installation instructions I wrote for the Win32 version. He was not aware that CharacterProfiler was required (i.e. he couldn't find the "Save" button in his character screen) so I felt this was a good opportunity for him to install CharacterProfiler through your app. I'm anxious to see what his experience is and if anyone else picks up on the URL while browsing our forums. I'm going to keep an eye on the UniAdmin logs for any java user agents to see if the frequency of its use picks up.

After getting a few more guildies to try this link and if there aren't any complications or confusion, I'm going to modify the home page to our portal to include the link as well as a forum sticky to announce the JNLP (Webstart) along with what are hopefully easy instructions (i.e. "Click here to upload your character data to the guild roster.")

I'll post back here any suggestions based on feedback.
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[FIXED] Security Warning

Postby mfoley » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:47 am

Lol...here was the guildie's response:

Thanks ... followed your instruction ... button was there ... Your a GOD! with any luck this uploaded just fine. Thanks for the help!

What isn't entirely clear is with which UniUploader did he use? In my forum response to him, I referred to the CharacterProfiler link at RPGOutfitter.net as well as the JNLP file. It's possible he went to RPGOutfitter, installed CharacterProfiler then went into the game and saw the Save button referred to in the Win32 instructions.

I'm going to follow up with him and try to determine if it was it jUniUploader or UniUploader that processed his CharacterProfiler.lua file.

If it was the Win32 version, I'm going to ask him to uninstall it, launch the jUniUploader link and then force an upload. At that point I'm going to check the UniAdmin logs.

The UniAdmin log doesn't t show his upload so he may still be in the game or neither of the UniUploaders were loaded at the time he exited.

Again, I'll try to clear that up.
Last edited by mfoley on Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[FIXED] Security Warning

Postby lhunath » Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:53 am

Just ask him something like: "Did the app look colourful or dead boring?" ;)

Heh, anyway, if any complications pop up, report them here ASAP and I'll get to fixing them. Hopefully jUU can make things easier for your guildies.

I guess I should find a way to make jUU easier to run on Windows (eg. autorun with windows startup or a shortcut or something..)
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