Ok, on more try....
For a non-Guild update upload :
The very first moment the character name is being thrown into the SQL engin is over here : update.php - line 242
Throw in a
echo $char;
on line 243.
You could dive more deeply if you add a
echo $name_escape;
on line 2432 in file wowdb.php.
If the right char names is being displayed (with the accents) and still returning the wrong member_id [echo it], throw away your MySQL package.
Also, see what shows up when a
echo $realm_name;
is being put on line 228 (same file).
If the realm isn't yours, put your PHP sub-system besides the MySQL package in the recycle bin.
Anyway, this problem should still have a simple solution, but it winds up on to 'how to setup correctly configure a Web/PHP/MySQL device": a very interesting subject, but it has nothing to do anymore with WoWRoster mathers ^^
Please correct me if I’m wrong.