The error that you are showing means actually just one thing :
The file you send has a wrong format.
Is this a transport issue, a server side parse issue ?
Take my procedure to narrow down things:
Create a new character - and Guild it.
Quit WoW.
Destroy CharacterProfiler.lua and GuildProfiler.lua.
Login into the new character.
Do the sac/page/social/Guilde hopping.
Quit WoW
Result : you will have a minimum CharacterProfiler.lua file now....
Open it up with blocnote, and check if it’s normally readable by a human.
Its size is actually only related to the size of your Guild (and all the generic member details) but there's already enough information to do a complete Roster 'Guild' init.
You could even upload it here so ‘we’ can analyze it ! Nearly no private information (if not none) will be present.
Please note that's not needed to be a GM to handle the roster - you need to know the Roster password - and have Guildprofiler installed - that's all. I'm not a GM - and never, never want to be one - and handle 3 Rosters nearly daily. Including global uploading.
More technical: update.php use a function named ParseLuaFile (you find it in roster/lib/luaparser.php.
This function return false, and thus producing and error that you mentioned if the created file isn't "readable" or doesn't "exists"
Try to figger out if one of these two isn't failing.
Inject these two lines in roster/lib/
luaparser.php - start on line 32 (in the function body):
- Code: Select all
if (file_exists($file_name)) {echo $file_name; }
if (is_readable($file_name)) {echo ' Readable also :-) '; }
When uploading, do you have a white text on the left upper corner on your screen mentioning a temporary file name and the text
Readable also :-) ? (I found out that's it's being writen on a dir named /tmpphp/....., normaly inaccesible and non browsable for me as a user on my server).
Anyway, you get the principle how to debug fast in php, just try to trace it like in my example.
Your post is rather complete
But : is the roster already initialized ?
Please note that's it's rather easy to wipe the Roster database: wipe all tables, put the install directory/files in place (rename them back) and re-install to be sure to have a clean base.
Some stupid thing: try to connect from another ISP connection ...
Still no good ?
What about finding another hoster quickly, do the upload, check again.
Free ones are avaible everywhere.
This will show you if the problem is on your side, or on the server side.
Good luck.