new players not updated?

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

Moderators: Ulminia, poetter

new players not updated?

Postby Hurz » Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:23 pm

Is it possible, that new players (that have not yet once uploaded a file) are not paresed when you try to synchonize with the armory?

Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Gotelich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Gotelich synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 4 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Crago. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Crago synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 8 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Ratzifazchen. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Ratzifazchen synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 12 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Cioni. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Cioni synched: 5 seconds. Total runtime: 17 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Mürrich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Mürrich synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 21 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Diederich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Diederich synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 25 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Nekomich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Nekomich synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 29 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Astà. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Astà synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 33 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Brôck. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Brôck synched: 5 seconds. Total runtime: 38 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Iselgrom. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Iselgrom synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 42 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Bassich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Bassich synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 46 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Alyseachen. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Alyseachen synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 50 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Iladriel. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Iladriel synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 54 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Fléance. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Fléance synched: 5 seconds. Total runtime: 59 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Mendrâk. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Mendrâk synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 63 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Suomi. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Suomi synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 67 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Confused. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Confused synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 71 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Theldras. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Theldras synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 75 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Heimlich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Heimlich synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 79 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Greulich. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Greulich synched: 5 seconds. Total runtime: 84 seconds.

The strange thing is, that players Brôck and Mürrich both allready uploaded their data - but that happened more than 24 hours ago. So they should be updated - but they are listed above as well. Only one player that updated within the last 24 hours is not in the list.

Here is one more detailed debug message:

GetContentFileSocket: /character-sheet.xml?r=Das+Syndikat&n=Theldras, 1, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/
GET /character-sheet.xml?r=Das+Syndikat&n=Theldras HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/ close Cookie: cookieLangId=de_de;
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Theldras. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Theldras synched: 4 seconds. Total runtime: 84 seconds.

And this is my config.php (i had to set the minlevel to 70 otherwise the script runs into timeout).

$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Host'] = ""; //European players use:
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] = 70; //The minimum level to be updated
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] = 24; //Time, in hours. All players who have not updated in the last (24) hours will be updated.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UseCurl'] = false; //Set this to false if you want to use the original FileSocket function.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['DebugLevel'] = 1; //0 = no debug messages, 1 = some debug messages, 2 = verbose debug messages
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UpdateRoster'] = true; //Wether or not to update Roster. Useful if you're just debugging.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'] = $roster_conf['roster_lang']; //The language used, but default it is the language that roster is configured to.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['ArmoryLocale'] = strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 0, 2)) . "_" . strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 2, 2)); //The Locale that armory is expecting, in the format of lowercase_lowercase (ie en_us or de_de).
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MemberSorting'] = "members.update_time DESC"; //alternatives are "members.update_time DESC" to use the last time the member was updated
Hurz Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:01 am

new players not updated?

Postby Kristoff22 » Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:56 pm

All players in your roster list SHOULD be updated if they haven't already been updated in the last 24 hours, regardless if they upload their CharacterProfiler.lua. The only thing an admin will want to do from time to time is upload their guild list to keep the roster members current, at least for now, as the last time I tested getting guild members from Armory it wasn't working very well.
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Re: new players not updated?

Postby Hurz » Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:52 pm

The problem is, that it is not updating. Everytime i try to, i get the same feedback i posted above. I would love to use the AS tool, as some guild members are lazy uploading their data. Could you check if my config.php is correkt (as i miss a step by step documentation how to setup):

(i deleted the comments for better reading in the forum)
Code: Select all
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Host'] = ""; $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] = 70;
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] = 24;
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UseCurl'] = false;
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['DebugLevel'] = 1;
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UpdateRoster'] = true;
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'] = $roster_conf['roster_lang'];
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['ArmoryLocale'] = strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 0, 2)) . "_" . strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 2, 2));
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MemberSorting'] = "members.update_time DESC";

I have a unmodified version of AS from this thread ( and tried serveral things that were mentioned in some posts here - but none worked so far. I reinstalled the unchanged version of AS, just changed the min-Level and the UserCurl in the config.php (and of course the armory url, as i use the german version).

But i still face the problem that no player is updated (all with this none critical error "Player has probably not updated in awhile.") and that there is no text in the button on the GuildRoster menu. This makes me think, that it maybe is a localisation bug. If i change the main GR language to enUS, the button is named (Armory Synch) but updating still does not work.
Last edited by Hurz on Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hurz Apprentice Apprentice
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new players not updated?

Postby Hurz » Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:47 pm

Update: i found why the button was unnamed:

$wordings['deDE']['title_addon'] = 'Armory Synch';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Exalted'] = 'Ehrfürchtig';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Revered'] = 'Respektvoll';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Honored'] = 'Wohlwollend';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Friendly'] = 'Freundlich';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Neutral'] = 'Neutral';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hostile'] = 'Unfreundlich';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hated'] = 'Hasserfüllt';

Was missing in the localization.php
Hurz Apprentice Apprentice
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new players not updated?

Postby Hurz » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:48 am


I got it done - grey items, but the sync is working for german version with this setting in the config.php (no curl support):

$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UseCurl'] = false;

What i have done is simple (allready somewhere to find in the forum here, but mixed with one or two other hints; using all tricks makes it NOT work!):

1. add following to your localization.php

Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['title_addon'] = 'Armory Synch';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Exalted'] = 'Ehrfürchtig';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Revered'] = 'Respektvoll';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Honored'] = 'Wohlwollend';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Friendly'] = 'Freundlich';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Neutral'] = 'Neutral';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hostile'] = 'Unfreundlich';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hated'] = 'Hasserfüllt';

2. in the functions.general.php (line 64) change

"GET $request HTTP/1.1\r\n" .


"GET $request HTTP/1.0\r\n" .

3. Maybe you have to set

$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] = 60;

in your config.php (default is 10), if you run into a timeout.

Only problem now are the missing colors for the items and some red X instead of icons/bars (at the keys-list).

If you want to see how it looks now: try
Last edited by Hurz on Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hurz Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: new players not updated?

Postby Kristoff22 » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:36 am

Thanks for the localization update Hurz, it will be added to the next version and this could be helpful for other locales having similar problems to the one you experienced.
Roster AddOn Dev
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Re: new players not updated?

Postby Jackal57th » Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:49 pm

No matter what I try, I keep on getting that non-critical error and no members are updated.

GetContentFileSocket: /character-sheet.xml?r=Bronzebeard&n=Bangalor, 1, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/
GET /character-sheet.xml?r=Bronzebeard&n=Bangalor HTTP/1.0 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/ close Cookie: cookieLangId=en_us;
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Bangalor. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Bangalor synched: 1 seconds. Total runtime: 1 seconds.


if (!defined('ROSTER_INSTALLED')) {
exit('Detected invalid access to this file!');

$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Host'] = ""; //European players use:
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] = 60; //The minimum level to be updated
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] = 24; //Time, in hours. All players who have not updated in the last (24) hours will be updated.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UseCurl'] = false; //Set this to false if you want to use the original FileSocket function.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['DebugLevel'] = 1; //0 = no debug messages, 1 = some debug messages, 2 = verbose debug messages
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UpdateRoster'] = true; //Wether or not to update Roster. Useful if you're just debugging.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'] = $roster_conf['roster_lang']; //The language used, but default it is the language that roster is configured to.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['ArmoryLocale'] = strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 0, 2)) . "_" . strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 2, 2)); //The Locale that armory is expecting, in the format of lowercase_lowercase (ie en_us or de_de).
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MemberSorting'] = "members.last_online DESC"; //alternatives are "members.update_time DESC" to use the last time the member was updated
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['ServerMonth'] = array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); //just a list of the month names for the server. Change this to whatever language necessary.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['DateUpdatedFormat'] = "%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s"; //Europeans change this to "%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s"

Any assistance is very welcome, I would really like to get this to work.

Thanks in advance,

Jackal57th Apprentice Apprentice
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