Suicide Kings?

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Suicide Kings?

Postby Elethil » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:41 am

My guild is deciding to go with this system instead of eqdkp. Is there any mod's out there to view this system on the roster by anychance?
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Suicide Kings?

Postby MattM » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:49 am

is that some sick uninformed name for my old guild's DKP system?
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Re: Suicide Kings?

Postby Elethil » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:47 pm

That's some system my guild has decided to go with because they don't want the headache of administrating the dkp. I set all the dkp stuff up but I don't raid 100% of the time so someone else would have to help me admin it. I guess this "Suicide Kings" method is much easier. It sounds ok to me I guess. But none the less I was just hoping that someone maybe had made or heard of something that would use this and work with roster or something.

Probably not though :(
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Suicide Kings?

Postby Elethil » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:49 am

I found a thing called sk_list. I have it running for the most part. Still a few bugs im trying to work out. But in the config there's a whole roster section. I've added all my info to the config but not sure how it's suppose be used with roster. Is anyone out there using this? I got it at ... _list.html
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Suicide Kings?

Postby zanix » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:37 am

Actually, I remember someone was writting a roster addon for this
Can't for the life of me remember their name...
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Re: Suicide Kings?

Postby Elethil » Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:26 pm

:( bummer. Well if you think of it could you possibly post it plz! I would love to be able to encorporate this into the roster view! The sk_list seems pretty nice and works well. There is the ability to link the member names to the roster. However I have this mod running on my site in an iframe. When you click on the players name it opens the up in the same frame. HEre's a link ... page&pid=4 I am trying to figure out where I need to change the code to tell it to open in it's own window. At any rate let me know if you think of it. Or if anyone else out there know's of anything.

Thanks everyone!
Last edited by Elethil on Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Suicide Kings?

Postby Kaylaura » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:03 pm

I might have said something about looking into this, but that was before I found sk_list - I figured that was pretty good.
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Re: Suicide Kings?

Postby nightfighter » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:22 pm

Matt_Miller wrote:is that some sick uninformed name for my old guild's DKP system?

"Suicide Kings" is a WOW addon and sk_list is a set of web pages that were developed by a guild named Suicide Kings. This could be you old guild. Not sure. It is a list based looting system instead of a points based looting system.

read more here:

and sk_list at:
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Suicide Kings?

Postby Kaylaura » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:06 pm

Here's a good little flash presentation on how suicide kings works: ... eKings.swf
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Re: Suicide Kings?

Postby Elethil » Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:12 am

ya I got the sk_list up and running. I'd still love to see a roster view someday down the road. It would probably look a lot better. but for now the sk_list works just fine.

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Suicide Kings?

Postby sdwwraith » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:13 am

Hi there! I'm the author of the sk_list program you're using. Currently for my own guild I'm just adding a link in the menu for sk_list. But after reading this, I think making more of a "plug-in" version might be nice.

Send me an email and tell me what you'd like to see exactly and I'll try and work something out.
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Re: Suicide Kings?

Postby nightfighter » Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:15 am

sdwwraith wrote:Hi there! I'm the author of the sk_list program you're using. Currently for my own guild I'm just adding a link in the menu for sk_list. But after reading this, I think making more of a "plug-in" version might be nice.

Send me an email and tell me what you'd like to see exactly and I'll try and work something out.

My guild uses it for guild members and non-members. So having it locked to Roster might not be so good, but if you can make it so only the members that are actually in the guild have links that would be great. I will let my guild know you are looking for input and we will see what they come up with.
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Suicide Kings?

Postby Elethil » Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:38 am

Thank you sdwwraith! You rock. Your list program works great and is very nice. I plan to still use it even with a roster addon. But I do think an actaul roster addon would be great. I guess all it would need to do is read what is uploaded to the actaul sk_list. So if there were 2 buttons, one for Class'es and one for raid. Also it would be great if there was a way to build on the original suicide kings mod. something like the latest loot addon would rock! So we could see what loots we were pulling out and who were recieving them. I am no programer so I'm sorry I can't help with this other then just suggestions. Anyway I'll talk to my guild and see what else we can come with!
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Suicide Kings?

Postby sdwwraith » Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:13 am

Yeah, suggestions are always welcome, even for the normal sk_list. I've wanted to do a CTRT parse and incorporate it into sk_list like you mention but it's an incredible pain in the butt to write parsers (or maybe I just don't like doing it!) so I've been putting it off. Eventually it'll happen :P

I also like the suggestion of checking to see if the member is on the roster before building the link. Something I thought of but just banged out a simple solution just to have it and never went back to dig into it more.

Anyway, keep the suggestions coming. Feel free to use the email link below to email me, I'll probably see that more than this thread.
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