I just cannot figure this out

A signature and avatar generator addon

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I just cannot figure this out

Postby Gator81 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:55 am

Well excuse the book but here is what i am having trouble with:

I had an old version of siggen installed, I had it setup and it seem to work for the preview and everything. I could not find where it was saving the sig to but I could put in the long url and it would come up and work.
I tried to add it to my signature, and was stumped, as I can see no way to add it, If i put the url in there it just shows a url for the signature.
If i load the url and grab the html info it would seem to show fine in the signature box, but when i would see how it looked for loading, all it would show was the html code.

I then deleted the folder and uploaded the latest version, I did the edit to get the "/" in the preview link, and made the change in the same file "ava to av" so it would look at av.php if i understand right.

Now if i goto the preview i get the "SigGen Works" label instead of the members name, if i go and look at the code for the SigGen Works it tells me that there was an error and couldnt load the member.

I have kept everything at default, and made sure that the folders had write access. (before i did I recieved the error)
Also when i do a preview of a member it will let me select any of the members in the guild, it will come up on that screen and shows fine, but if i open a web page and paste that link, then i just get "SigGen Works"

Sorry for the book, any suggestions? comments? I have been working on this for hours and reading so much my eyes are crossing. Any help would be nice :)
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Re: I just cannot figure this out

Postby Gator81 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:05 am

I figured that it would be better to respond then to edit the post, sorry if I am wrong.

this is what I found out so far.

I still cannot get the link to work on the siggen page
I was able to get the sig to save in the sig folder

In phpnuke you cannot go into the personal profile of nuke to place your sig.
You have to go into the fourm profile to add your signature

the template that I ended up using that worked was this


please note that i use wowroster instead of just roster

It then started working for me using phpnuke 8 using forums

hope this helps
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I just cannot figure this out

Postby zanix » Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:34 am

Actual links to your site and links to signatures would be nice
And even to the post where you cannot link to the image
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Re: I just cannot figure this out

Postby Gator81 » Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:33 am

I am not wanting to be real popular with the site because I dont want to be a target for attacks, but everyone here has been very helpfull.

the site i am working on is www.ktears.com, and if you want to look at the roster just goto www.ktears.com/wowwroster If you do login for an account, please leave me a note so i dont delete the account. I have already been hit with a few porno spams :(

the signatures seem to be working now, and one of the guildmembers seem to be very good at using them.

when I first tried to do this i was using the html code <img src="http://www.ktears.com/wowroster/addons/siggen/sig.php?member=Maystone "> and this just seem to show the html code, when I found the other BBCode I was able to get it to work.

I dont know, after i made the change to add the "/" for the link preview I couldnt get it to work.

Now it seems that everything is working, so I cannot answer why, it just does so i cant complain.

I do have another question to add:

Is there a way the users can use the seggen program without the means of needing the admin password. I guess it would be a user version of the program so users can only modify their own or modify upload create their own without messing with anyone elses.

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I just cannot figure this out

Postby zanix » Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:47 am

Glad to know that it's working now

There is no "user mode" for SigGen. All changes to the design are global until Roster 1.8, in which I'm releasing a completely new version of SigGen
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I just cannot figure this out

Postby Ulminia » Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:03 am

new version... sounds like ial be busy editing adding all my lil features lol
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I just cannot figure this out

Postby zanix » Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:44 pm

Well, there will be a small update soon with that code you sent me
But hopefully I have a complete re-write done shortly after 1.8 is released
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Re: I just cannot figure this out

Postby Gator81 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:34 am

that will be sweet, now its just become harder to wait for the release :)
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