Updated the modded version with the fix provided by Darkmages.
Note that this will update ALL players, so you'll need to modify the SQL in it to limit to players not updated in X days etc.
About to start ID:636Scanning Player: Novaron
* About to update player
* Updating Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* No Inventory Data
* No Bank Data
* Updating Mailbox: No New Mail
* Updating Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* No Recipe Data
* No Spellbook Data
* No Talents Data
* Updating Reputation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
* No Quest Data
* No Buffs
Update Errors
Next Player: 637
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 209
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 212
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 273
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 274
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 276
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 277
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.synch.php on line 278
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.parsing.php on line 124
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.parsing.php on line 127
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.parsing.php on line 144
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this any longer. in /mnt/web3/30/99/51539699/htdocs/wow/roster/addons/ArmorySynch_Mod/functions.parsing.php on line 147
if (!defined('ROSTER_INSTALLED')) {
exit('Detected invalid access to this file!');
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Host'] = "armory.wow-europe.com"; //European players use: armory.wow-europe.com
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] = 50; //The minimum level to be updated
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] = 24; //Time, in hours. All players who have not updated in the last (24) hours will be updated.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UseCurl'] = false; //Set this to false if you want to use the original FileSocket function.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['DebugLevel'] = 0; //0 = no debug messages, 1 = some debug messages, 2 = verbose debug messages
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['UpdateRoster'] = true; //Wether or not to update Roster. Useful if you're just debugging.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'] = $roster_conf['roster_lang']; //The language used, but default it is the language that roster is configured to.
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['ArmoryLocale'] = strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 0, 2)) . "_" . strtolower(substr($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['Locale'], 2, 2)); //The Locale that armory is expecting, in the format of lowercase_lowercase (ie en_us or de_de).
$addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MemberSorting'] = "members.last_online DESC"; //alternatives are "members.update_time DESC" to use the last time the member was updated
"GET $request HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
"GET $request HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
function convertDate($armoryDate) {
return date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($armoryDate));
function convertDate($armoryDate) {
$localmonth = array("Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember");
$englishmonth = array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
$armoryDate = str_replace($localmonth,$englishmonth,$armoryDate);
return date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime($armoryDate));
$wordings['enUS']['title_addon'] = 'Armory Synch Mod';
$wordings['addoncredits']['GuildBank v1.26'] = array(
array( "name"=> "Mathos",
"info"=> "Synch your guild with WoW Armory"),
$wordings['enUS']['title_addon'] = 'Armory Synch';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Exalted'] = 'Exalted';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Revered'] = 'Revered';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Honored'] = 'Honored';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Friendly'] = 'Friendly';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Neutral'] = 'Neutral';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hostile'] = 'Hostile';
$wordings['enUS']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hated'] = 'Hated';
$wordings['deDE']['title_addon'] = 'Arsenal Synch';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Exalted'] = 'Ehrfürchtig';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Revered'] = 'Respektvoll';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Honored'] = 'Wohlwollend';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Friendly'] = 'Freundlich';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Neutral'] = 'Neutral';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hostile'] = 'Unfreundlich';
$wordings['deDE']['ArmorySynch']['RepStanding']['Hated'] = 'Hasserfüllt';
File does not exist
The URL that you requested, /addon.php?roster_addon_name=ArmorySynch_Mod&syncmemberid=2, could not be found. Perhaps you either mistyped the URL or we have a broken link.
//Output javascript to move to process next player...
Print 'Next Player: ' . $nextmemberid;
//Print '<pre>' . $module_name . '</pre>';
$link = 'addon.php?roster_addon_name=ArmorySynch_Mod&syncmemberid='.$nextmemberid;
Return to ArmorySync - Depreciated
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