Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Sorian » Tue Jul 03, 2007 3:39 pm

natbur wrote:
Sorian wrote:is there any plans or possibility of making this a standalone? I don't use phpnuke :(

Once I get the PHPNuke code centralized, and another layer of abstraction added, it should't be difficult to port this to any system, including stand-alone. Whichever system it's used on would have to have a database though. Also, in a stand-alone version, you'd have to find a method of securing the admin areas to prevent people from changing your application. I'll update in this thread when I get done with the abstraction layer.

sweet! yea right now I am using a IPB but with UnrealPortal mod, I can easilly hid the module somewhere and use a php include to point to the main file... or something... though you could I guess integrate the admin into the IPB admin panel but i am not sure how many guilds out there use IPB... though I have seen it around a lot and it's a known board name...
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby kelaserra » Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:41 am

Please forgive me if this has already been answered, but the tail end of the thread kinda lost me.

Is the 2.3 betas compatible with PHP 4.4.6? Or is a PPH 5 site mandatory?
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby lotard » Wed Jul 04, 2007 10:17 pm

sedrikk wrote:I am not getting an error, but filling out the application does nothing. IT brings you to a page with only nuke elements on it and no module content. The app does not get posted to the forum, or get emailed out.

It is still an indevelopment version of our guild website. It is nuke 7.6 patched. Any suggestions?

I 'm just coming see your application and i've exatly the same problem!
some one ave a solution?
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Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Rahtak » Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:16 am

filling the application escape the special char now but it also post them in the forum as escaped character /r/n and lets say /'
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Sckauter » Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:20 pm

Hello, im testing this application and i get this errors ex: _shaman_

check the image pls

this is normal? how can i fix this?

thnks for any help
error _.jpg
error _.jpg (60.55 KiB) Viewed 1110 times
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:58 pm

sedrikk wrote:I am not getting an error, but filling out the application does nothing. IT brings you to a page with only nuke elements on it and no module content. The app does not get posted to the forum, or get emailed out.

It is still an indevelopment version of our guild website. It is nuke 7.6 patched. Any suggestions?

Usually that happens when it fails to fine a required file. Have you tried turning on debug mode in phpNuke's config.php to see what it's crashing on?
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:00 pm

rufftran wrote:I don't see the exampleFunctions.php file, but I'm good at not being able to find stuff, so it might just be me ^^;

I installed this on a test forum (I run DragonFly for the guild's site) and as I was screwing around with the settings I was unable to set applications to a forum post (The option was not in the selections table, here is a picture: you'll have to copy&paste to your url bar, the link takes you to 100webspace for some reason) and the summary footer did not show up before applying. Again, this is probably something I did. If you want to look at it, just use the link for the picture minus the scrn01.jpg part.

Fixed the last two problems, helps a lot when you have a forum for the module to post in...

Glad you figured it out! Yeah, it pulls a list of forums and users from the database, so if either is empty, you won't anything in the dropdown.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:01 pm

Doomie22 wrote:Hiya,

I have just uploaded the files to my site and I tried to run the .sql for the database but I get the following error

Code: Select all
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1' at line 5

my server is running phpmyadmin, PHP version 4.4.3 and MySQL version 4.0.27-standard.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?


I have managed to fix that error but I now get this error

Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `recruitment_config` ( `name` , `value` , `show` , `required` , `type` )
'guildname', 'Your Guild', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'numalts', '3', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'guildrules', '', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'rankstructure', '', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'raidinginfo', '', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'recipient', '', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'testname', 'Test', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'testrecipient', '', 0, 2, 'variable'
), (
'referral', 'Contact(s) within your Guild - name of reference(s) if any:', 1, 0, 'variable'
), (
'TextBox1', 'List any guilds (and their server) that you have been in or are currently in and reason(s) for leaving.<br>If you are a transfer, why have you chosen this server?', 1, 0, 'textbox'
), (
'TextBox2', 'Please tell us a little bit about yourself.<br>What hours/days are you usually logged into WoW?<br>Why do you want to join Hybrid?', 1, 0, 'textbox'
), (
'TextBox3', 'Please describe in detail your pre-BC raiding experience.', 1, 0, 'textbox'
), (
'TextBox4', 'Are you currently on or have you completed ''The Trials of the Naaru''?<br>If have not completed this quest line, what step are you on?', 1, 0, 'textbox'
), (
'headertext', '<div align="left">Below you can find the current requirements:<br /> <ol> <li><font color="#ff0000"><strong>Must be level 70</strong></font></li> <li>Have your Karazhan attunement close to completed. If it is complete this will be a bonus</li> <li>You must be revered with Cenarion Expedition to be considered. <ul> <li>You must also be well on your way to revered with the HH, LC and Sha''tar factions.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Have prior raid experience. We are looking for players with MC, BWL, AQ 20/40, Naxx (etc) experience. However this is not mandatory. A willingness to do the research and time required to understand the new content is required though.</li> <li>Meet the following raid requirements: <ul> <li>Be available to raid between the hours of 5:30st-10:00st Saturday - Thursday</li> <li>Have <a href="#" onclick="''', '', 'location=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes\''

Does anyone know how to fix this one, its beyond me atm.

I don't see an error in there, just looks like the SQL INSERT statement to me. Did I miss something?
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:04 pm

atlantusSc wrote:Quick question.
Do i change the font color for the fields thru the application mod or thru my theme? I run a dark blue background and with the black text it is hard to read. I would really love to change it to white text.


Font color from which part? I don't recall setting a font color anywhere except turning things red when they're not entered and required, so it should follow your theme. I'll go back and look through the code and see if I find anything.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:10 pm

Sorian wrote:
natbur wrote:
Sorian wrote:is there any plans or possibility of making this a standalone? I don't use phpnuke :(

Once I get the PHPNuke code centralized, and another layer of abstraction added, it should't be difficult to port this to any system, including stand-alone. Whichever system it's used on would have to have a database though. Also, in a stand-alone version, you'd have to find a method of securing the admin areas to prevent people from changing your application. I'll update in this thread when I get done with the abstraction layer.

sweet! yea right now I am using a IPB but with UnrealPortal mod, I can easilly hid the module somewhere and use a php include to point to the main file... or something... though you could I guess integrate the admin into the IPB admin panel but i am not sure how many guilds out there use IPB... though I have seen it around a lot and it's a known board name...

The beta posted at the beginning of this thread has the 'hopefully' completed port files. exampleFunctions.php is a commented, simplified (read, non-functional) version of phpnukefunctions.php that explains how to create a port.

Edit: It would appear that exampleFunctions.php got lost somewhere on the road...I'll get it recreated and update the beta.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:11 pm

kelaserra wrote:Please forgive me if this has already been answered, but the tail end of the thread kinda lost me.

Is the 2.3 betas compatible with PHP 4.4.6? Or is a PPH 5 site mandatory?

Both the beta and the release should be compatible with PHP4 and PHP5.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:13 pm

Rahtak wrote:filling the application escape the special char now but it also post them in the forum as escaped character /r/n and lets say /'

Which version of PHP and phpNuke are you using? This has been my primary headache when making the application as cross-compatible as possible.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:20 pm

Sckauter wrote:Hello, im testing this application and i get this errors ex: _shaman_

check the image pls

this is normal? how can i fix this?

thnks for any help

That looks like a screencap of Anaxents's Dragonfly module This forum is for that module.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby BigKyle » Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:28 am


im getting the same error as the other guy

i try to copy the sql file right ouf of the rar file, and when i do i get this error
MySQL said
Code: Select all
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1' at line 5

SQL query:
Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE `recruitment_classes` (

`name` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE KEY `name` ( `name` )

in general i am having a lot of problems installing this mod, i installed the old one fine, app works, calss recruitment works, but i never got the e-mail, and i cant get this one to work either

i am running

PHP Version 4.3.11
MySQL Version 4.0.22-standard
and i believe phpnuke 7.8 or something like that, not sure where it tells me
Last edited by BigKyle on Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Anaxent » Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:50 pm

There should be a ; at the end of the char set

Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE `recruitment_classes` (

`name` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE KEY `name` ( `name` )

if that does not work try leaving the char set out to allow mysql to use the default charset

Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE `recruitment_classes` (

`name` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
`status` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
UNIQUE KEY `name` ( `name` )
Last edited by Anaxent on Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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