Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:04 pm

Orthon wrote:after submitting application i get this error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare validate_mail() (previously declared in /home/****/*****/****/mainfile.php:1440) in /home/****/*****/*****/modules/Application/validateEmailFormat.php on line 69

thanks for any help

That's really strange that it's giving you a redeclare error, because that's not the name of the function in validateEmailFormat.php...
try adding this line to confirm.php
Change Line 176 from
Code: Select all
include("validateEmailFormat.php");  //This is the file that actually does the checking 

Code: Select all
"validateEmailFormat.php");  //This is the file that actually does the checking 

Let me know if that fixes it for you.
Last edited by natbur on Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby lotard » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:51 pm

natbur wrote:
lotard wrote:
natbur wrote:
lotard wrote:hy
it's graet module
but i'have z problem when i want submit an application ... le=confirm

When I click on that, i get a module is not active error, is that the problem you're talking about?

No i've just desactivate it for test, but wehn i click on submit i've juste a blank page

Can you turn on display_errors (in PHPnuke's config file) and try it again. Blank pages generally mean that a required file failed to load, and that should tell you which one. Be sure to turn it back off as soon as you get the filename.

I've turn on display_errors and i'v blank page too T_T
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:53 pm

lotard wrote:I've turn on display_errors and i'v blank page too T_T

That is indeed odd...It has to be getting past the require files, and dieing somewhere in the checks...can you send me your roster_config.sql so I can load your configuration onto my test server and find out where the script is buggering out?
Last edited by natbur on Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Robinna » Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:34 am

Hi Natbur,

Been looking for something like this for my site for a long time, and this is just the ticket, so a big thanks from me for your hard work.

Unfortunately I seem to have found a bit of a bug - line 515 currently reads:

Code: Select all
    $sql "INSERT INTO " $prefix "_bbposts (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time) VALUES ($topic_id, $forum_id, 1, $current_time)"

It should read:

Code: Select all
    $sql "INSERT INTO " $prefix "_bbposts (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time) VALUES ($topic_id, $forum_id, $user_id, $current_time)"

Caused quite a bit of head-scratching on my part, as my PHP-Nuke installation doesn't have a user with an ID of 1 causing some very funny behaviour.


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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:52 am

Robinna wrote:Hi Natbur,

Been looking for something like this for my site for a long time, and this is just the ticket, so a big thanks from me for your hard work.

Unfortunately I seem to have found a bit of a bug - line 515 currently reads:

Code: Select all
    $sql "INSERT INTO " $prefix "_bbposts (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time) VALUES ($topic_id, $forum_id, 1, $current_time)"

It should read:

Code: Select all
    $sql "INSERT INTO " $prefix "_bbposts (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, post_time) VALUES ($topic_id, $forum_id, $user_id, $current_time)"

Caused quite a bit of head-scratching on my part, as my PHP-Nuke installation doesn't have a user with an ID of 1 causing some very funny behaviour.



The 1 was in there to hardcode the poster_id to anonymous. I guess I missed it when I added the ability to change the postid. Thanks for catching that. I've updated the download.
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Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Robinna » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:21 am

Glad to help, Natbur....speaking of which, I've found another bug. If you include an apostrophe in the titles for the text boxes, then you get an Error 3 message when someone submits information in that text box.

Also, you've set the size of the resistances fields to be 2 characters, when it should really be three. I had a look at the code, and it seems to be set on line 364 in request_form.php. It should read:

Code: Select all
showTextField($ID.$row['name'], $row$fontColor1231); 


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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:28 am

Robinna wrote:Glad to help, Natbur....speaking of which, I've found another bug. If you include an apostrophe in the titles for the text boxes, then you get an Error 3 message when someone submits information in that text box.

Also, you've set the size of the resistances fields to be 2 characters, when it should really be three. I had a look at the code, and it seems to be set on line 364 in request_form.php. It should read:

Code: Select all
showTextField($ID.$row['name'], $row$fontColor1231); 



Apostrophe's are the bane of my existence. Are you talking about the titles as in 'The Trials of the Narru'? I'll have to check that one out, I thought it was submitting fine...

Sorry about the resistance thing, I don't actually play WoW anymore, just webmaster a site for a friend. I thought that resistances were limited to something lower than 99. On the same subject, should the point distributions be increased from 2 as well?
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Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Robinna » Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:05 am

natbur wrote:
Robinna wrote:Glad to help, Natbur....speaking of which, I've found another bug. If you include an apostrophe in the titles for the text boxes, then you get an Error 3 message when someone submits information in that text box.

Also, you've set the size of the resistances fields to be 2 characters, when it should really be three. I had a look at the code, and it seems to be set on line 364 in request_form.php. It should read:

Code: Select all
showTextField($ID.$row['name'], $row$fontColor1231); 



Apostrophe's are the bane of my existence. Are you talking about the titles as in 'The Trials of the Narru'? I'll have to check that one out, I thought it was submitting fine...

Sorry about the resistance thing, I don't actually play WoW anymore, just webmaster a site for a friend. I thought that resistances were limited to something lower than 99. On the same subject, should the point distributions be increased from 2 as well?
Yes, like that, but it seems that it's not just the titles that that happens in - it also seems to be the content of the fields as well...

My current resistance in Frost Res gear is about 340 or so...but the maximum number of talents is currently 61.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:41 am

Robinna wrote:
natbur wrote:
Robinna wrote:Glad to help, Natbur....speaking of which, I've found another bug. If you include an apostrophe in the titles for the text boxes, then you get an Error 3 message when someone submits information in that text box.

Also, you've set the size of the resistances fields to be 2 characters, when it should really be three. I had a look at the code, and it seems to be set on line 364 in request_form.php. It should read:

Code: Select all
showTextField($ID.$row['name'], $row$fontColor1231); 



Apostrophe's are the bane of my existence. Are you talking about the titles as in 'The Trials of the Narru'? I'll have to check that one out, I thought it was submitting fine...

Sorry about the resistance thing, I don't actually play WoW anymore, just webmaster a site for a friend. I thought that resistances were limited to something lower than 99. On the same subject, should the point distributions be increased from 2 as well?
Yes, like that, but it seems that it's not just the titles that that happens in - it also seems to be the content of the fields as well...

My current resistance in Frost Res gear is about 340 or so...but the maximum number of talents is currently 61.

Ok, I've 'hopefully' wrangled the last of the apostrophe issues out of the code. I'll get the new confirm.php posted in just a bit.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Orthon » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:15 am

Orthon wrote:
after submitting application i get this error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare validate_mail() (previously declared in /home/****/*****/****/mainfile.php:1440) in /home/****/*****/*****/modules/Application/validateEmailFormat.php on line 69

thanks for any help
That's really strange that it's giving you a redeclare error, because that's not the name of the function in validateEmailFormat.php...
try adding this line to confirm.php
Change Line 176 from
include("validateEmailFormat.php"); //This is the file that actually does the checking
if(!function_exists('validateEmailFormat')) include("validateEmailFormat.php"); //This is the file that actually does the checking
Let me know if that fixes it for you.

After i had submitted application i got the message below

Thank you for submitting your request.
Your application has been submitted and we will be contacting you shortly.
Error 1 while submitting application, your application has not been submitted
Please inform the webmaster.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:41 am

Orthon wrote:
Orthon wrote:
after submitting application i get this error

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare validate_mail() (previously declared in /home/****/*****/****/mainfile.php:1440) in /home/****/*****/*****/modules/Application/validateEmailFormat.php on line 69

thanks for any help
That's really strange that it's giving you a redeclare error, because that's not the name of the function in validateEmailFormat.php...
try adding this line to confirm.php
Change Line 176 from
include("validateEmailFormat.php"); //This is the file that actually does the checking
if(!function_exists('validateEmailFormat')) include("validateEmailFormat.php"); //This is the file that actually does the checking
Let me know if that fixes it for you.

After i had submitted application i got the message below

Thank you for submitting your request.
Your application has been submitted and we will be contacting you shortly.
Error 1 while submitting application, your application has not been submitted
Please inform the webmaster.

Is that with version 2.1.3? I added some code to properly escape special characters before submitting to the forum. Error 1 means that it could not create the topic, is that the only error that it throws?
Last edited by natbur on Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby silverscout » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:38 pm

could you port this to a calendar mod? or just a regular php code?

this would be great for other CMS's and if it could be done without the need for phpnuke that would be great.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby Orthon » Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:44 pm

thanks natbur after upgrading to the latest version evertything seem to be working, is it possible to have an email as well as forum post

Thanks :compress:
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:31 pm

silverscout wrote:could you port this to a calendar mod? or just a regular php code?

this would be great for other CMS's and if it could be done without the need for phpnuke that would be great.

I believe that the only specialized phpnuke code is the sql abstraction layer, and phpnukes OpenTable() and CloseTable() functions. Also, the admin authentication is done via phpnuke. I havn't used any other CMS systems, but I don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port.
The main file that would need to be looked at is variables.php which handles 90% of the sql calls. There is an updateDB() function in application.php that saves the admin settings, and a submit_post() function in confirm.php that does the forum posting(this function is a stripped down version of phpBB's forum post function). As far as the message string itself, the code builds a single string variable ($msg) that can then be passed to any posting method. If it would simplify porting, I can move all sql functions into the variables.php file (it's included in each of the individual files).
Last edited by natbur on Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Guild Recruitment and Application Block 2.0

Postby natbur » Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:34 pm

Orthon wrote:thanks natbur after upgrading to the latest version evertything seem to be working, is it possible to have an email as well as forum post

Thanks :compress:

I'll see about adding a checkbox to also post to e-mail, for the meantime, if you'd like for yours to post to an e-mail and forum, remove/comment line #307 in confirm.php.
Code: Select all
if($postto[0] == "email"
and change line #317 to
Code: Select all
if($postto[0] == "forum"
Doing so will cause it to always e-mail the app, after that just select which forum you want in the admin panel.

Edit: Option has been added as of version 2.2.0
Last edited by natbur on Sun Jun 17, 2007 4:25 am, edited 5 times in total.
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