Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby IllusoryThrall » Thu May 31, 2007 9:12 pm

Just looking to see whether this is of interest to others as well.. i'm currently designing and writing one for my guild site and forums. provided there's interest, i'll try to set it up as something easily installable by others, and release it to the community.

The mod will be designed to do several things:

    1. run a recruitment status block on the EZportal
    2. allow the recruitment status block to be changed easily by a forums admin with the following features:
      • Recruit status = open / closed
      • If recruitment is closed, display a configurable message (possibly changed in the admin settings)
      • If recruitment is open, show a class list with icons - each class can be set to (high, medium, low) priority, or "closed". High, medium, or low priority will be color-coded, and linked to the application form.
    3. an application form, scripted, with required and optional fields, with these basic features:
      • class-based - each class will have a seperate "mode" .. that will automatically pick their class, and the talent spec names based on the link. hoping to allow this to be used as stand-alone, as well, by having a "default" setting to allow the class to be chosen and the applicant to fill in the talent tree names.
      • Character name will be linked automatically in the post to the armory profile of that character (going to attempt to set this up to work with cross-server applications as well)
      • dynamic, in that, if an applicant forgets to fill out a required element, or the email address is invalid, the application will re-load, telling the user what they missed, and remembering the fields they've already filled in.
    4. The application form will then be processed to a specific forum ID by a specific user (set up by the admin with the settings provided).. and auto-create a post listing the applicant's data, which acts as a normal post by any forum user.
    5. Something I'm also hoping to be able to work out, is posting to two seperate forums with different messages at the same time - basically, posting the full application to a hidden officers-only forum for discussion, and posting a truncated "public" application to another forum.
    6. Last, but not least, I want the EZportal script to hold a switch for .. when the recruitment status is set to open, a block based off "recent topics" will show up, with a list and link to the latest applications posted.[/list:o]

Oh! before I forget.. other notes.. this will be run completely "stand-alone" .. i.e. no content managers needed, just a phpBB2 installation, and EZportal installed. best-case scenario, the application script will be able to run even without EZportal, that part of the mod will install "seperately".
Last edited by IllusoryThrall on Thu May 31, 2007 9:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby IllusoryThrall » Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:36 pm

~~ Initial Beta release of the Recruitment Settings panel, and Recruitment settings EZportal block. ~~

This will work with just phpbb and ezportal!

You can set the script to not link to anything, or set a static link to your application page. Additionally, I have support in there for the application script I'm working on that is class-based.

Recruitment can be set to open or closed - if closed, a message will display, and all classes will default to "closed", whether they are closed in the database or not.

Each class can be individually set to high, medium, low, or closed. all but closed can be linked simply by setting the config to linked (or not linked by turning it off)

The recruitment settings link is available to admins only (i may add support for moderator access to if people want it), and shows up on the page. there's also permissions checking on the admin settings scripts, so you can't access them if you're not an admin even if you know the link.

Feel free to test this out, and let me know what you think. I used the install text directions to install it on my own guildsite, so that should be working.. however, if you see mistakes in it, please let me know!

Demo board: (being that the application script isn't up yet, if you see that the application links are active, simply ignore, i'm probably working on it.)

Hoping to have the application script up as well within the week.
Recruitment Block for EZportal, and Admin settings
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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Phyreizes » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:21 am

I have gone ahead and placed this on a demo board that i have going right now and it was easy to install and very nice to configure. I can not wait to see the rest of it. Please let me know if you need any testing done on different areas.

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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby IllusoryThrall » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:31 pm

definitely going to need further testing. I'm going to have it up on a live board when I get it fully released, but I'm sure there will still be bugs to find.

currently, I've got all sorts of things going on it. the release above has changed slightly, in that it's easier to install, as well as being easier to configure for other languages. I also changed the permissions setting on the recruit settings admin script, so if someone tries to access it who isn't an ADMIN.. they'll get an error message, and an auto redirect back to the portal.

i'm trying really hard to make this as configurable as possible. both in language capabilities, as well as the script itself.

i've got an application "index" (homepage) up and working now. it runs as non-class-based, as well as class-based, and will check to make sure that class is available, or recruitment is open, etc. getting it all set up correctly, and easily configurable.. as well as setting up permissions .. has taken a couple days.

I also have it set up with a permissions and recruitment status check so that you can't even access the form if recruit is closed, or if it's class-based, and that class is closed.

working on the application form itself now - working at piecing it together a little bit at a time. if you're interested, check out my "demo" board (or testing, whatever) at .. i've got the basic set up for the druid, hunter, and mage class apps started, and if you click the warrior link, you can see what a default, non-class application would look like.

through the process of setting things up, i've decided i'll do this in two different scripts, one for horde, and one for alliance. working on the horde one now, alliance should be done shortly after horde.

being that my guild's recruitment officer is wanting to open recruitment asap on our guild... ;) i'm definitely pushing to have this out within the week!
Last edited by IllusoryThrall on Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Phyreizes » Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:17 am

IT -

That recruitment page is looking really good. I will try to apply on your demo board once you get the submit button on there. I have been working on a test site and now have to get with my "creative" department to move some of our active content into PHP form so more people are willing to use it. I am very excited about what you are working on :D I will keep checking back to see how much progress you are doing :D

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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Mavtoo » Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:40 pm

very nice!!! some time ago i played around with such a thing but i get problems with posting the application to a configured forum and because i had not enough time to figure it out i gave it up. Your mod even now is much better. My Guild is a german guild so i will see if i find the time to translate it to german.
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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Mizpah » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:09 am

Hi Illusory,

Thanks for the effort you are putting in for people, is there any chance that you can take a look at this post (about this mod), and let me know your thoughts as to the best route forwards ?

Many Thanks!!

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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby IllusoryThrall » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:31 pm

@ Mizpah .. I'll be honest, I didn't really look at his code. However, I do know that what I'm doing WILL support using it WITHOUT EZportal. So if you don't want to use EZportal, you'll still be able to use the program.

@ Mavtoo .. The way I'm setting it up, the only file you'll need to mess with will be the language file. I'm trying to be as conscious as possible that there's lots of language guilds out there other than english.. and allow any text that's displayed.. to be written in the language files rather than hard-coded (which would force translators to go find / replace.. and pray they don't break the script ... ew)

Currently progress is at about 50%, possibly more, with most of the hard stuff done. What I've got left is more repetitive scripting for the application and the confirmation script.. then getting the posting part and debugging done. I don't particularly expect problems with any of it, and I'm back to working on it tomorrow after a day and a half off to let my brain chill a bit.. (lol raw php coding isn't something i'd recommend for 10-12+ hours a day every day) . Only thing i've got left that has any difficulty to it at all is the actual posting code, but i'm fairly sure i've got the research done and figured out how that code will work.

Again, the initial release will be horde-only. Haven't decided whether i'll wait a week of testing it to make the necessary changes for an alliance script, or simply make them and put both out for release / final testing. Leaning towards the testing now, but if you guys want the alliance out sooner, just let me know. As it stands now, I'm probably going to do two completely separate scripts, one for alli, one for horde.. although, eventually, I may fuss with doing it as a setting in the files as opposed to two separate installs... however, i've a feeling that'll take a good bit of work to get it working.
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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Mizpah » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:10 pm

Thanks IllusoryThrall,

Well I have gone ahead and installed, EZportal - guess I have to learn that as well now!

Many thanks for the time and effort spent on this, its appreciated, however I ahve a couple of questions and one (self inflicted) error.

I currently have what you made available installed and running, after modifying it to support LOTRO -- I have created class graphics, and substituted class names for all classes (long and short versions, case sensative) and removed refrences to warlocks and warriors.

As it stands I have one error - in the block I cant see any text for 'burglar'(substitued from Druid), the admin panel displays and works fine.. I am sure its a error from my edits,(I am no coder, I just performed a whole load of logical changes), could you possibly point me to the correct file (have not yet found the source of the error at time of writing - am assuming recruit.php)?
(you can see this on

If anyone has any use for a LOTRO version of this, I will happily provide my files and graphics!

Now to the questions:

As there is no content on the page you get to if you click an apply link (unless you are admin), I want to put a place holder in. I assume I do this in recruit.php , however I guess that the 'hooks' to generate that page (either static or class specific) are not there yet (for non admins), are there any pointers you can give me to putting somthing other than a blank page there for now ?

Posting\Permissions: I guess I would like everyone to see that status of the block, but if someone tries to fill in an application, they would have to register first, and then be sent back to thier application, are you allowing anyone to fill in an application or only registered members ?

Are you aiming to just post this to a forum ID,or also to send a mail back to the individual ? Ideally I would like to send the applicant a copy of thier application form via email, and a group of users an email saying "Username has applied for membership, he is a level X, Class. Click here to see his application!"

Thanks again for the reply and all your hard work!


Thanks again for all your help, by the time I have this site up and running, I may actually have learnt somthing!
Last edited by Mizpah on Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Mizpah » Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:23 pm

Update - now working! (capitalisation error in the end!)
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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby IllusoryThrall » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:13 pm

@Mizpah - page looks great!

As for getting something other than a blank page, you can change the link in the appconfig for apply.php to whatever you want, and make your own application form, whatever, or simply have it open the forum that you want them posting in.

As for modding this for lotro, i'll be happy to help, but since i haven't played it, it'll be just coding help. the application itself may be sorta interesting to get working.. but once I get it up, i'll be happy to point you in the right direction to modify it.

As for what I'm going to have it do.. I'm going to have it default to posting to an officer's forum with the full application (to protect info people may not want seen). .. I'm also planning to have the ability to have the application emailed to someone instead of posting (or in addition to).

HOWEVER.. I'm also hoping to set it up to allow posting a second post automatically to a "public" forum with an abbreviated application, that's suitable for public eyes, so other guild members can see who's applied recently, and the applicant can see the status of their application. (fairly sure this is possible, it's just going to be interesting to figure it out. :) )

.. On the posting permissions. I have it set up so anyone can post an application. Currently, I have no ambition to change that setting, as the way I have it working, it's a static user (that you've already set up) that's for posting applications, not a username. I'm also not 100% sure how to do it from a certain member. HOWEVER.. it would be fairly easy to set permissions on the actual application page so that only registered members can even get to it. .. Now that you mention it, I'll try to provide documentation on how to do that with the release file. Nice suggestion!
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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Mizpah » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:08 am

Thanks IllusoryThrall,

I am looking forward to seeing a little more of your dynamic class forms - as before I am aiming to take your current files, and whilst keeping the structure, change the questions\answers etc etc.

I especially like the holding page with links to guild rules etc before they confirm the application and proceed to post!

Is there any chance of getting hold of them as they currently stand on your demo site, so I can start modifying them ?

I have deiscovered that I can probably never write code- but modifting somone elses code, well thats a different matter! :thumright: , Even if they are not yet posting I amagine it will take me a while to build the basic questions that I am after (at least I dont have to worry about different factions!)!!


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Re: Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby IllusoryThrall » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:46 am

currently, they're still in process to the point that I can't really release them to you to edit yet. If I had them at a point where I had .. say, a whole file done .. I would... but at this point, I have things in mostly a "testing" phase. .. i.e. there's still several major things needing added to most of them, at different places. Right now, I'm basically setting up the form... it's mostly done at the moment, should have the form part itself done by the end of the day. I still need to make sure the form itself will work once I get it going into a confirm script.. once that's solid, I'll finish the forms up, and get them posting properly. May release a final "release candidate" then for a bit of testing, or poke around and test a bit on my own, then post a release.

Never fear, I'm working on it. trying to get them out asap! And believe me, you wouldn't want to edit these files more than once looking for stuff.
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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Phyreizes » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:19 am

IT wow i just took a peek at how far you have progressed and it is looking awesome!! I am getting really excited about what you are doing!! Again let me know if you need any help or testing help once its up. I think i lurk on your test forum constantly to see what you are up too.

Great work so far and let me know if you need help.

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Recruitment block/settings and guild application mod

Postby Mizpah » Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:42 am

well your demo board is looking great! Am looking forwards to an update ;-)
Last edited by Mizpah on Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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