So, I was trying to install WoWroster for the first time today as I just put a new guild together. We host our site with Godaddy. I have had zero luck getting it to recognize that I have a MySQL database set up for it. It continually says "MySQL Module not available."
I logged into the IRC chat and was told it simply wont work with Godaddy with the new version of WoWRoster due to Godaddy not updating their SQL.
I just wanted to check and see if anyone else had a thought, because according to Godaddy they DID update their MySQL (From 4.0.x to 4.1 or 5.0). Here's their post:
MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 for Shared Hosting
This week we rolled out support for newer versions of MySQL in our Shared Hosting environment. Previously, all MySQL databases were 4.0.27. Now, our customers can choose between 4.1 and 5.0 when creating a new database from the Shared Hosting control panel.
Which version of MySQL should you use? If you're not sure, we recommend that you stick with MySQL 4.1, which is the default option. MySQL 4.1 provides some nice feature improvements over 4.0.27, such as prepared statements and sub queries, but is still very compatible with code targeting version 4.0. However, if you know that you need some of the newer MySQL features, such as views and stored procedures, then choose MySQL 5.0.
Read full post here.
So.. If I created it in these (and I tried both) why will it still not recognize it and let me install? Any thoughts?