Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby TankGirl » Tue May 29, 2007 10:16 am

Oh my.... being half awake and coming to check my original post and edit it.. I deleted it! lol
So here we go again...

This is the full WoWroster addon to sync your guild ranks (from) wowroster and assign them to phpBB groups and (now) phpBB ranks!
Addon based on the phpBB Syncer Addon by robweeks.

I would like to give credit to robweeks for a very simple and effective addon.
-read the readme file for full details
-only need to change the conf.php settings
-upload phpBB folder to your wowroster addon folder
-browse to your roster and click phpBB Sync
-supply admin password and synchronize

1. Both the WoWRoster and phpBB tables need to share a database.
2. Names in phpBB need to be the same as the WoWRaoster.
- Suggest using the roster check MOD: ... oster.html
FULL phpBB group Sync with rank sync mod
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Last edited by TankGirl on Tue May 29, 2007 7:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby Malcolm » Tue May 29, 2007 11:19 am

Original: ... art=0.html

I did a rewrite of this some time ago as well but I no longer use wowroster :)
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Re: Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby TankGirl » Tue May 29, 2007 7:35 pm

Thanks Malcolm!
I wasn't sure if that was the right one, because when I downloaded it, his newer version has more files.. this one only has the index.php and conf.php.
I'll have to look at his newest and see if and where my mod would still work.
I know a couple of people have been asking about this type of MOD.
The ability to have groups and ranks set automatically is a serious time saver, not to mention in a large guild keeping ranks in the forums to match the guild ranks, manually, can be difficult.
Setting access privileges based on groups and great.
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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby TankGirl » Tue May 29, 2007 8:05 pm

Well Malcolm I see that was your newest work with the functions and triggers.
It's going to take me some time to go through all that code to see what you were doing.. maybe you can write in this MOD as an "option", since I noticed you have an option to use pointers for names... SHEESH lol
That's alot of work!
I just use my roster check, and users have to use their main character names to sign up for forums.
Hmm, maybe I should let you come up with a Malcolm version of this, with the ranks mod as an option.. lol
Sure would prevent me from a bad case of brain moosh.. lol
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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby Malcolm » Tue May 29, 2007 11:36 pm

Basically how I went about it:
1) Select all 'roster names', with rank, from the roster database where there is an indication of 'main' character
2) Search through the pointer database and replace any 'roster names' found with the 'phpbb names'
3) Get all user IDs from the phpBB database using the username
4) Get the roster Ranks -> phpBB groups information
-- For this I let the user dynamically choose which ranks go to which groups, you can also set more then one rank to more then one group --
5) Empty all designated phpBB groups
6) Populate groups based the userID and group ID
7) Tell users all is well :)

A lot of the above steps can actually be compiled into one SQL query if the roster and phpBB tables are stored on the same database.

Just as a warning, my code looks very very ugly. I tried to use the wowRoster code guidelines which made all my variables an extra 30 character in length - not fun when trying to fix things ;) Feel free to use whatever you'd like.

I doubt I'll be recoding the addon though, I've already started coding my own roster using Recipe Book. wowRoster is just too large for what my guild needs - a roster of characters/levels/classes and a trade database they can search though.
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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby TankGirl » Wed May 30, 2007 9:31 am

well I think I'll just stick to mine. lol
maybe one day someone will be brave enough to update my mod to a wowroster style option and configuration, for those less comp savy.

But I doubt that will be me! lmao

Although I do plan to make a trigger, once I find out all the modes or if I need one.
I have 2 things I'd like to make a trigger to run after someone updates.
This and a script related to our guild points system (unlikely anyone else could use).
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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby silverscout » Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:08 am

2 things.

I followed your directions and still nothign came up on my roster? ... age=roster

also, is there a way that their can be triggers..

IF "rostername" => "Forum Name"
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Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby silverscout » Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:35 pm

stupid me, I somehow had the roster on my test db still. Damn that Conf.php lol.

However, I did get this to work with pnphpbb so if anyone wants to know how I did it, just ask.
Last edited by silverscout on Sat Jun 09, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roster Ranks -> PHPBB Groups AND Ranks Synchronization

Postby Pariator » Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:20 am

3 problems I ran into when implementing this and the subsequent fixes.

1: The menu for the addon didn't appear. This was simply because menu.php was not included in the zip, however menu.php.bak was. Simply rename menu.php.bak to menu.php and the interface works proper.

2: The data was not connecting proper for rank assignments, while groups assigned properly.

In index.php...

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
      // connect to DB
      include($phpbb_dir . '/db/mysql4.php');
      include($phpbb_dir . '/config.php');

      $db_phpbb = &new sql_db($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpasswd,$dbname);

         echo 'Failed to connect to your phpBB database. Verify the settings in conf.php';

That will use the same exact code to connect to the DB as the group syncing.

3: The ranks, even after it could connect to the databse were not assigning properly. This is a really simple typo.

In index.php...

Code: Select all
$sql = "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "user SET user_rank = '$ranksync' WHERE username = '$name'";

Code: Select all
$sql = "UPDATE " . $table_prefix . "users SET user_rank = '$ranksync' WHERE username = '$name'";

Edit: I have written code to clear the ranks of all guild members (this includes site admins!), but it's very specific to my sql database. I still think someone should write a bit of generic code to do this, but it is beyond my knowledge.
Last edited by Pariator on Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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