SigGen 0.2.4 works but it does not

A signature and avatar generator addon

Moderator: zanix

SigGen 0.2.4 works but it does not

Postby Deusex » Thu May 24, 2007 10:31 pm

ok when i was updating form 2.3 to 2.4 i had 2 errors with 2 files online 1008 and on line 355 both errors were caused by a invalid caractor once i removed them i was able to get to the DB upgrade part once i did the upgrade the sigs started to work but when i go to the config section i get this DB error..... any idea how to fix this?

Roster DB Layer

Invalid query result passed
Backtrace (most recent call last):

* File: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/lib/commonfunctions.lib.php
o line 248
o function called: backtrace
* File: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/lib/wowdb.php
o line 133
o function called: die_quietly
o args: Invalid query result passed, Roster DB Layer
* File: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/addons/siggen/inc/
o line 455
o function called: fetch_assoc
o args:
* File: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/addons/siggen/templates/sc_body.tpl
o line 44
o function called: getdblist
o args: roster_members, `name`, `guild_id` = '2'
* File: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/addons/siggen/index.php
o line 447
o function called: include_once
o args: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/addons/siggen/templates/sc_body.tpl
* File: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/addon.php
o line 77
o function called: include_once
o args: /home/boguild3/public_html/roster/addons/siggen/index.php

Deusex Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:26 pm

SigGen 0.2.4 works but it does not

Postby Deusex » Sat May 26, 2007 3:02 am

does any one know how to fix this?
Deusex Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:26 pm

SigGen 0.2.4 works but it does not

Postby zanix » Thu May 31, 2007 12:49 pm

The files may be corrupt
Try re-uploading the files to your webserver
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