Hello there. Yes, it's me again. LOL. You guys have helped before and hope you can help yet again one more time. We run two guilds on our server and have that all worked out with uploading and deleting files so the guilds do not overlap.
My problem is I went to upgrade to the new wowroster as I just LOVE this mod!! I upgraded our horde guild wowroster first as it's a smaller guild and if any errors occured, rather have it with the smaller guild. I finished the upgrade, deleted the files and folder it said to delete, hit refresh, and the wowroster looked PIMP!! Uploaded the guild roster to refresh the characters and such and the new version of wowroster is just amazing!!
So, I proceeded to do the same thing with our Alliance guild wowroster. I did the exact same steps as with the prior upgrade, yet this time during the extraction, it started showing/saying that some files had an error as they were being copied/extracted. I did not have any errors when doing the first upgrade. I hit okay and after several errors, it was done. Went to the roster page to proceed with the upgrade, it asked if I was ready to upgrade, hit okay, then I get an error page with 'Error 404: Your browser cannot find the document corresponding to the URL you typed in'.
My confusion is that the first upgrade to the first guild went through without a single erro or anything...I was just happy happy happy. I followed the exact same steps as before but got errors on the extraction and now I cannot view our Alliance roster at all. Any suggestions for my poor little me? I even tried to download/extract the files again and from different mirrors but still keep getting error messages this time around.
I guess the frustration comes from the file upgrade went through flawlessly, but now this is happening. PLEASE help me. Thanks guys for any help in advance as you guys have always been great and helpful!!
If this makes it helpful, our site is www.dxguilds.com. Alliance and Horde rosters have their own pages as always. The Alliance one is the one giving the errors. Thanks!!!!!