different LanguagePacks in Guild

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby Tiramon » Fri May 11, 2007 11:10 pm

I have following Problem:

In our Guild we have People using the deDe and the enUS language Pack.
The Problem is the CharacterProfiler.lua is also written in that language.

So if we upload our cp files to the roster we have characters in 2 different languages and only those characters are shown without errors that use the languagePack configured as roster_lang in the roster config.

Is there a way to unify those entries or fix this another way?

here some examples
roster_lang is deDE right now

char with deDE lang pack
http://www.skullsofsteel.de/roster/char ... rostmourne

char with enUS lang Pack
http://www.skullsofsteel.de/roster/char ... rostmourne
Last edited by Tiramon on Sun May 13, 2007 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby Tiramon » Fri May 11, 2007 11:12 pm

This also looks very stupid in the Profession view ...

we have a "First Aid" part and a "Erste Hilfe" what means exactly the same, but one is german and the other english
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different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby Shadowsong » Fri May 11, 2007 11:26 pm

same problem here: Our Guild
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different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby Sprakeloos » Sat May 12, 2007 3:29 am

Same problem in our guild with a mix of English and German and it shows in the weirdest places.
If you take eg the reputation addon there's twice as much due to the two languages.
I'm glad there's not more than just two languages in our guild :-)
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Re: different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby Tiramon » Sat May 12, 2007 5:04 am

I'll think about a little modification to atleast map profession and reputation to the same language
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Re: different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby Tiramon » Sun May 13, 2007 6:44 am

Can i maybe have an official statement to this?

like .. "we are working on this problem" or "It's not a bug ... it's a feature" ... something?
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different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby zanix » Sun May 13, 2007 10:25 am

Well, you are correct
It's not a feature per say, and it defiantly not a bug

CP.lua is saved in the locale the game code is using
So it will always be that locale

As for data in Roster, we do not translate any data from CP.lua
Doing so would mean maintaining a translation list for EVERYTHING CP saves
Items, quests, recipes, stats, zones, etc...

Keeping a list for all of these strings would be near impossible unless we had teams of people working on it.

So you are stuck with some members being enUS and some being deDE

And as for the tradeskills page, since it's only a few strings it probably could be done
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different LanguagePacks in Guild

Postby PleegWat » Sun May 13, 2007 7:22 pm

Well, it's true that some stuff should probably be translated on the roster side. However, where do you stop? Classes? Races? Profession names? Skill categories? Skill names? Spell names/descriptions?
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