I have installed WoWRoster as described in the readme.
I am using the latest version of CP and GP
I deleted the CharacterProfiler.lua several times to make sure that it is not corrupted.
It took me several try's to upload the guild information.
Everytime I tried I got the "Error while parsing CharacterProfiler after 0s" message.
I tried the bugfix as described here
Now I do get the following message when I try to upload my characters:
- Code: Select all
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/tmp/php4NhCdi) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/world-eaters.de/httpdocs/unslaveable/roster/update.php on line 95
Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/php4NhCdi' to '/var/www/vhosts/world-eaters.de/httpdocs/unslaveable/roster/Uploads/CharacterProfiler.lua' in /var/www/vhosts/world-eaters.de/httpdocs/unslaveable/roster/update.php on line 95
Somehow I managed to upload the guild information and two of my caracters, but thats it!
Regardless of what I do, i cannot upload any more caracters or update the guild information.
Since I am not much of a coder myself I don't know what to do anymore.
I have uploaded my update.php here, maybe I it is of use to someone who wants to look into this problem.
Oh, and here is a screenshot of my RosterDiag