Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

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Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby Rahtak » Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:43 am

Well since no one seemed able to mod this to nuke here it goes again ;P There still work to do addon wise and a few bug to nail but most of it work just fine. I havent tried uniuploader yet.

Last updated 04/25/07 ...

Only use this for now if you plan a clean install.

This version of Wow Roster is compatible with PhP Nuke web portal. Doesn't use a iframe it's a real port. Report any problem.

Known problem
-Motd img broken (Use text mode) <- if you figure how to fix the img thing tell me
-Server status img broken (Use div mode)

Addon ported as of 04/25/07
-Made By
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby Amerguin » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:05 pm

First of all sorry for my english... the next point is talk about your fix to integrate wowroster in phpnuke. It works better than the other one, maybe the other doesn't works 'cause is for an older version of wowroster.

Ok, I have some problems with it, the most important is that i can't start to use it. I don't have any problems to install it, but when I want to go to another section I can't.

The first problem I found is that the path is not correct. When I want to go to the upload data section (to update my guild info & upload characterprofiler.lua etc) I can't. The error is the next =>

Not Found

The requested URL /html/&op=admin was not found on this server.

Maybe the problem is with something about the path variable... probably it hasn't any data inside so the path is always incorrect.

This problem occur with the other sections to.

The other problem I saw was about the stylesheet, if I'm not mistaken the path is erroneous 'cause in some part of it there are two bars like this one //.

Thanks for all, i'll wait for your answer & if you can, for your help.
Last edited by Amerguin on Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby Rahtak » Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:26 am

the link broken in the menu? or on the install page that tell you to update your guild thing?

it might be a server setting abotu global variable or something so where is the link your tryign to access?
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby Amerguin » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:16 pm

All the links are broken except the firs of all, this is Roster's Links in the menu. I will show you some images, 'cause as I said, I can't express myself as I want in english.

The Step 1 is like this =>

In this Step the path is correct, it is copy on the top and left corner.

The Step 2 is this =>

Here, you can see that de "Roster base URL path" has the inverted bars, I tried to install it like you see in the image, I also tried to change the inverted bars "\" for this other "/" and I tried to install it in english too, but the error is always there :D.

The Step 3 =>

The Step 4 =>

The Step 5 =>

It says that I have to remove that files, after i removed I refreshed the page and we have the next step.

The Step 6 =>

As you can see if I put my mouse over any link of the menu, the path that it is pointing to is like the path I pasted on the left of the "Info Clan" link.

The Error =>

This error occur when I press any link of the menu and It occur too if I introduce my admin pass and press the "Go" button to go to the admin section and update my guild info.

I hope now, you can understand me, anyway thank'u for all ;).
Last edited by Amerguin on Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby Rahtak » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:33 pm

Are you running IIS or apache web server on your computer?

also check in your mysql roster_config table

should be 2 entry

roster_dir = /modules/roster

nuke_roster_dir = /modules.php?name=roster
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby natbur » Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:07 pm

I was actually thinking about starting another true port myself. Once finals finish, I'll jump on board with you and see if I can't help track down some of the glitches.

BTW. Do you have any notes on what you've modded thus far?
Last edited by natbur on Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby Rahtak » Tue May 01, 2007 12:32 am

mostly the only thign that need real modded is the href link. i'v added the nuke_roster_dir variable to the config so i add this to each href so it point on the index.php file with an &op= arg. the trafic is done by index.php

the problem above is probably that some include are not fixed with the roster_dir path to point to absolute path rather then relative. on stand alone install the current path is where the script run so lets say is your install dir, in stand alone the current path is /moduels/Roster/ while in a nuke modules environment it's the root since the link call modules.php with the modules name as arg. so every include need to keep in mind they are starting at the root and not in the Roster directory.

i realy didn't mod much you can set the img link to point to the right folder.

addons need to be mod in the same fashion. also having trouble with the image manipulation like siggen and motd to generate the image. might be font directory trouble
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Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby PleegWat » Tue May 01, 2007 4:30 am

The only relative includes should be those that include Settings.php. If you've got any others, point them out and I'll fix them for 1.8 if we didn't come across them ourselves.
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby lateruss » Thu May 03, 2007 1:00 pm

I have tried to install this, but it never brings the first page for the install. It just sits there trying to load forever and nothing happens. it loads the rest of the nuke such as my header and left module menu, but the layout is all jacked up. I have a nuked 1.7.0 version that installs just fine, but over course its not compatible with the new lua stuff.
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby dalvon » Sat May 05, 2007 1:21 am

Okay I have installed the version of WoW Roster on my site.

The only problem I cannot navigate or login to modify the roster config the links are broken for me too.

For example...

This is the proper path to get to the Roster config. ... r&op=admin

When I type in the password to log into the Roster config I get the following path

So the rest of the path is missing


This actually what happens if you click on any of the buttons in the admin area. Update does that to any of the buttons are missing the above information...

Thanks for porting this I apprecaite it I am sure others do too...

PHP version = 5.2.1 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) PHP/4.4.4 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7e mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 DAV/2 SVN/1.3.2
Database = mysql 5.0.24a-standard-log, lock.system=flock
phpNuke = 8.0
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby boniggy » Sat May 05, 2007 9:28 am

Ok i got this thing up and running perfectly. Yes it did take some tweaking as it was missing a database (DB) table in the MySQL DB. I've added the table that needs to be inserted into the DB.

Code: Select all
id - config_name - config_value - form_type - config_type
1071 - nuke_roster_dir -  /modules.php?name=roster -  text{128|30 -  main_conf

Now notice how my Roster folder is has a capped R. Your's may just have the lower case "r"; THIS DOES MATTER.

If somebody could write the MySQL insert script then that would be great and you wouldnt need to add the field manually.

I also created its own DB. I did this for no particular reason i just had the extra DB's available. I'm sure you could add this to the Nuke database but it would require an install script that would do it and it was just easier than reinventing the wheel.

If you want to ask a few questions, please let me know... im no guru but ive been playin around with Phpnuke for close to 3 or 4 years. :)


My site is Band of Thieves Guild Pages
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby dalvon » Tue May 08, 2007 6:18 am

Okay I tried to add the table and I know I did it wrong... I am a nub when comes to this stuff what is the exact table code I can import into my database???
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby dalvon » Wed May 09, 2007 3:05 am

Okay I figured it out... the nuke_roster_dir is missing in the roster_config table after I figured out how to add it everything works great... Thanks for not responding because I learned more about mysql today :D

BTW. I deleted all the tables out of my database and did a fresh install so I know that it is missing now..
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby boniggy » Thu May 10, 2007 1:03 am

sorry about that. I've been checking this post for the past week but ive missed the last day or so and missed your post. I'm glad you got it working. I'm sure what i typed in there didnt make a whole lot of sense. I realized that after i wrote it.

Let me know if you have any other problems, ill see if i can help.
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Re: Wow Roster 1.7.3 Nuked (no Iframe) 04/25/07

Postby thebrumby » Sat May 19, 2007 11:09 pm


I'd really like to use this as because the frames version looks a real mess on my site, but the download link at the top of this page returns a file not found (404) error.

Does anyone know if the file was removed for a reason, or can someone PM me if they have a working version.

Many thanks in advance,

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