WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Item tooltips with Gem Sockets and Enchantment coloring

Moderator: ds

WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby ds » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:43 am

I am back from my coding break and ready to write up some code! Here is Rev 8 of WoW_IDs.php.

Please Post new Finds or corrections in *THIS* thread only!

WoW_IDs.php rev 8 dated April 21st 2007

Unzip in your Roster root directory.
(12.52 KiB) Downloaded 521 times
Roster AddOn Dev
Roster AddOn Dev
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Re: WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby Subxero » Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:47 am

I changed a lot of gems and enchants i prefer submit the result file :D

Added more metas and enchants from wowhead ( ) sorry but can be made some mistake on names, but id its correct!

Sorted gems like enchants by id :D without duplicates!

Only one question .. these information can be gatherer from armory ?

a parser searching "gem ids" on xml can be a good option ?
WoW_IDs.php rev 8b dated April 22st 2007 Unzip in your Roster root directory.
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Last edited by Subxero on Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Subxero Artisan Artisan
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WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby ds » Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:51 am

Thanks for the work on the file Subxero. I will start using your file for revision 9.
Roster AddOn Dev
Roster AddOn Dev
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WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby Subxero » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:05 am

Gems added by wowhead from 2.1

Code: Select all
'28118' => array
'name' => 'Runed Ornate Ruby',
'txt'  => '+12 Spell Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_01',
'28119' => array
'name' => 'Smooth Ornate Dawnstone',
'txt'  => '+10 Critical Strike Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_01',
'28120' => array
'name' => 'Gleaming Ornate Dawnstone',
'txt'  => '+10 Spell Critical Strike Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Topaz_02',
'28123' => array
'name' => 'Potent Ornate Topaz',
'txt'  => '+6 Spell Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_02',
'28362' => array
'name' => 'Bold Ornate Ruby',
'txt'  => '+20 Attack Power',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_02',
'28363' => array
'name' => 'Inscribed Ornate Topaz',
'txt'  => '+10 Attack Power',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01',
'30546' => array
'name' => 'Sovereign Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Strength +5 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30547' => array
'name' => 'Luminous Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Healing +11 and Intellect +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30548' => array
'name' => 'Polished Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Stamina +6 and Spell Crit Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30549' => array
'name' => 'Shifting Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Strength +5 and Agility +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30550' => array
'name' => 'Sundered Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Critical Rating +5 and 2 mana per 5 sec.',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30551' => array
'name' => 'Infused Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Spell Damage +6 and Intellect +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30552' => array
'name' => 'Blessed Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Healing +11 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30554' => array
'name' => 'Stalwart Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Defense Rating +5 and Dodge Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30555' => array
'name' => 'Glowing Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Spell Damage +6 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30556' => array
'name' => 'Glinting Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Agility +5 and Hit Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30558' => array
'name' => 'Glimmering Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Parry Rating +5 and Defense Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30559' => array
'name' => 'Etched Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Strength +5 and Hit Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30560' => array
'name' => 'Rune Covered Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Spell Critical Rating +5 and 2 mana per 5 sec.',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30563' => array
'name' => 'Regal Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Dodge Rating +5 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30566' => array
'name' => 'Defender\'s Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Parry Rating +5 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30571' => array
'name' => 'Don Rodrigo\'s Heart',
'txt'  => '+8 Strength',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_01',
'30572' => array
'name' => 'Imperial Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Spirit +5 and Healing +9',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30573' => array
'name' => 'Mysterious Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Spell Damage +6 and Spell Penetration +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30574' => array
'name' => 'Brutal Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Attack Power +10 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30575' => array
'name' => 'Nimble Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Dodge Rating +5 and Hit Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30581' => array
'name' => 'Durable Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Healing +11 and Resilience Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30582' => array
'name' => 'Deadly Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Attack Power +8 and Critical Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30583' => array
'name' => 'Timeless Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Intellect +5 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30584' => array
'name' => 'Enscribed Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Strength +5 and Critical Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30585' => array
'name' => 'Glistening Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Agility +4 and Defense Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30586' => array
'name' => 'Seer\'s Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Intellect +4 and Spirit +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30587' => array
'name' => 'Champion\'s Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Strength +5 and Defense +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30589' => array
'name' => 'Dazzling Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Intellect +5 and 2 mana per 5 sec.',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30590' => array
'name' => 'Enduring Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Stamina +6 and Defense Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30591' => array
'name' => 'Empowered Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Attack Power +8 and Resilience Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30592' => array
'name' => 'Steady Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Stamina +6 and Resilience Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30593' => array
'name' => 'Iridescent Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Healing +11 and Spell Critical Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30594' => array
'name' => 'Effulgent Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Defense Rating +5 and 2 mana per 5 sec.',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30600' => array
'name' => 'Fluorescent Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Spell Damage +6 and Spirit +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30601' => array
'name' => 'Beaming Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Dodge Rating +5 and Resilience Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30602' => array
'name' => 'Jagged Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Stamina +6 and Crit Rating +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30603' => array
'name' => 'Royal Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Healing +11 and 2 mana per 5 sec.',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'30604' => array
'name' => 'Resplendent Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Strength +5 and Resilience Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30605' => array
'name' => 'Vivid Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Spell Hit Rating +5 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30606' => array
'name' => 'Lambent Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Spell Hit Rating +5 and 2 mana per 5 sec.',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'30607' => array
'name' => 'Splendid Fire Opal',
'txt'  => 'Parry Rating +5 and Resilience Rating +4',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'30608' => array
'name' => 'Radiant Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => 'Spell Critical Rating +5 and Spell Penetration +5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'31116' => array
'name' => 'Infused Amethyst',
'txt'  => 'Spell Damage +6 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'31117' => array
'name' => 'Soothing Amethyst',
'txt'  => 'Healing +11 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'31118' => array
'name' => 'Pulsing Amethyst',
'txt'  => 'Attack Power +10 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'32193' => array
'name' => 'Bold Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+10 Strength',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32194' => array
'name' => 'Delicate Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+10 Agility',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32195' => array
'name' => 'Teardrop Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+22 Healing',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32196' => array
'name' => 'Runed Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+12 Spell Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32197' => array
'name' => 'Bright Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+20 Attack Power',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32198' => array
'name' => 'Subtle Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+10 Dodge Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32199' => array
'name' => 'Flashing Crimson Spinel',
'txt'  => '+10 Parry Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_CrimsonSpinel_02',
'32200' => array
'name' => 'Solid Empyrean Sapphire',
'txt'  => '+15 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02',
'32201' => array
'name' => 'Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire',
'txt'  => '+10 Spirit',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02',
'32202' => array
'name' => 'Lustrous Empyrean Sapphire',
'txt'  => '+4 Mana every 5 seconds',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02',
'32203' => array
'name' => 'Stormy Empyrean Sapphire',
'txt'  => '+13 Spell Penetration',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_EmpyreanSapphire_02',
'32204' => array
'name' => 'Brilliant Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Intellect',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32205' => array
'name' => 'Smooth Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Critical Strike Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32206' => array
'name' => 'Rigid Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Hit Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32207' => array
'name' => 'Gleaming Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Spell Critical Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32208' => array
'name' => 'Thick Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Defense Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32209' => array
'name' => 'Mystic Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Resilience',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32210' => array
'name' => 'Great Lionseye',
'txt'  => '+10 Spell Hit Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Lionseye_02',
'32211' => array
'name' => 'Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst',
'txt'  => '+5 Strength and +7 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02',
'32212' => array
'name' => 'Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst',
'txt'  => '+5 Agility and +7 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02',
'32214' => array
'name' => 'Infused Shadowsong Amethyst',
'txt'  => '+10 Attack Power & +2 Mana per 5 Seconds',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02',
'32215' => array
'name' => 'Glowing Shadowsong Amethyst',
'txt'  => '+6 Spell Damage and +7 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02',
'32216' => array
'name' => 'Royal Shadowsong Amethyst',
'txt'  => '+11 Healing Spells and +2 Mana every 5',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_02',
'32217' => array
'name' => 'Inscribed Pyrestone',
'txt'  => '+5 Critical Strike Rating and +5 Strength',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02',
'32219' => array
'name' => 'Luminous Pyrestone',
'txt'  => '+11 Healing Spells and +5 Intellect',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02',
'32218' => array
'name' => 'Potent Pyrestone',
'txt'  => '+5 Spell Critical Rating and +6 Spell Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02',
'32220' => array
'name' => 'Glinting Pyrestone',
'txt'  => '+5 Hit Rating and +5 Agility',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02',
'32221' => array
'name' => 'Veiled Pyrestone',
'txt'  => '+5 Spell Hit Rating and +6 Spell Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02',
'32222' => array
'name' => 'Wicked Pyrestone',
'txt'  => '+5 Critical Strike Rating and +10 Attack Power',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Pyrestone_02',
'32223' => array
'name' => 'Enduring Seaspray Emerald',
'txt'  => '+5 Defense Rating and +7 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02',
'32224' => array
'name' => 'Radiant Seaspray Emerald',
'txt'  => '+5 Spell Critical Rating and +6 Spell Penetration',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02',
'32225' => array
'name' => 'Dazzling Seaspray Emerald',
'txt'  => '+5 Intellect and +2 Mana every 5 seconds',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02',
'32226' => array
'name' => 'Jagged Seaspray Emerald',
'txt'  => '+5 Critical Strike Rating and +7 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_SeasprayEmerald_02',
'32409' => array
'name' => 'Relentless Earthstorm Diamond',
'txt'  => '+12 Agility & 3% Increased Critical Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06',
'32410' => array
'name' => 'Thundering Skyfire Diamond',
'txt'  => 'Chance to Increase Melee\/Ranged Attack Speed',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_07',
'32634' => array
'name' => 'Unstable Amethyst',
'txt'  => '+8 Attack Power and +6 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_ShadowsongAmethyst_01',
'32635' => array
'name' => 'Unstable Peridot',
'txt'  => '+4 Intellect and +6 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_DeepPeridot_03',
'32636' => array
'name' => 'Unstable Sapphire',
'txt'  => '+9 Healing and +4 Spirit',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Sapphire_02',
'32637' => array
'name' => 'Unstable Citrine',
'txt'  => '+8 Attack Power and +4 Critical Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01',
'32638' => array
'name' => 'Unstable Topaz',
'txt'  => '+5 Spell Damage and +4 Intellect',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_02',
'32639' => array
'name' => 'Unstable Talasite',
'txt'  => '+4 Stamina and +4 Spell Critical Strike Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_01',
'32735' => array
'name' => 'Radiant Spencerite',
'txt'  => '+20 Attack Power',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
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Subxero Artisan Artisan
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Re: WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby daddelkopp » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:01 pm

Hi there,

I took the by Subxero as base and fix the german wow_ids file. So here is the well sorted german wow_ids.php.

Sorted, fixed, updated wow_ids.php for german roster.
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WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby Subxero » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:47 pm

some new gems
Code: Select all
'2835' => array
'name' => 'Insightful Earthstorm Diamond',
'txt'  => '+12 Intellect & Chance to restore mana on spellcast',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_06',
'2912' => array
'name' => 'Runed Ornate Ruby',
'txt'  => '+12 Spell Damage',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_01',
'2946' => array
'name' => 'Inscribed Ornate Topaz',
'txt'  => '+10 Attack Power, +5 Critical Strike Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01',
'3045' => array
'name' => 'Sovereign Tanzanite',
'txt'  => '+5 Strength and +6 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'3046' => array
'name' => 'Luminous Fire Opal',
'txt'  => '+11 Healing and +4 Intellect',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'3061' => array
'name' => 'Shining Fire Opal',
'txt'  => '+6 Spell Damage and +5 Spell Hit Rating',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',
'3088' => array
'name' => 'Vivid Chrysoprase',
'txt'  => '+5 Spell Hit Rating and +6 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Talasite_03',
'3099' => array
'name' => 'Glowing Tanzanite',
'txt'  => 'Spell Damage +6 and Stamina +6',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'3100' => array
'name' => 'Blessed Tanzanite',
'txt'  => '+11 Healing and +6 Stamina',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'3109' => array
'name' => 'Infused Nightseye',
'txt'  => '+8 Attack Power and +2 Mana every 5 seconds',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_Nightseye_03',
'3112' => array
'name' => 'Wicked Noble Topaz',
'txt'  => '+4 Critical Strike Rating and +8 Attack Power',
'img'  => 'INV_Jewelcrafting_NobleTopaz_03',

some new enchants
Code: Select all
'2724' => 'Scope (+28 Critical Strike Rating)',
'2746' => '+66 Healing and +20 Stamina',
'2748' => '+35 Spell Damage and +20 Stamina',
'2940' => 'Minor Speed and +9 Stamina',
'2982' => '+18 Spell Power and +10 Spell Critical Strike Rating',

There is a problem with tooltip_debug = 1 don't show that fail pants enchants and need to be 2 (verbose) to show enchantid
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Subxero Artisan Artisan
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Re: WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby Subxero » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:17 am

I changed and added a lot of gems in 2 days, i prefer submit the result file ;)

Next major version 1.8 don't need these xml/db .. then these will be the last update for me :/

Good job DS01!
The last one :D
203 gems (100 fixed).
more than 1800 enchants.
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Subxero Artisan Artisan
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Re: WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby ds » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:35 am

This is true! This mod will not longer be required with v1.8 of the Roster! Thank you to everyone that helped keep this mod current and updated while we waited for Blizzard to add the API functions to WoW so that CharacterProfiler addon is able to capture the socket information.
Last edited by ds on Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Roster AddOn Dev
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Re: WoW_IDs.php -- Rev 8 RELEASED HERE!

Postby daddelkopp » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:06 pm

Then, the last time from me too, the german version :mrgreen:
The last one :D 203 gems (100 fixed). more than 1800 enchants. For german roster.
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