[QUESTION] jUU embedding

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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby arthadorn » Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:13 am

I haven't played with this yet, but has anyone played with embedding the jUU into a website? Will the script execute embedded like that? Just a thought I had, I'm thinking I could just make a link that users could go to and use the jUU but not have to download it locally. Is this possible?
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jUU embedding

Postby lhunath » Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:39 am

All possible and provided for by using WebStart.

Have a look at this:

If you click the link, it will start jUniUploader with the default URL for UniAdmin set to the UniAdmin of Androgynous.

That way, people that start the program for the first time will have all their settings configured fully automatically.

If you download the JNLP file and change this in it:
property name="uniadmin" value="http://androgynous-guild.com/roster/uniadmin/interface.php" />
to reflect your own UniAdmin URL, you can just upload the odified JNLP file to your guild's website and link to that one. It will automatically configure your guildies' jUniUploader from your own UniAdmin.

I hope I understood you correctly when you spoke of "embedding". Just to clearify, Java WebStart is not Java Applets. It's far more advanced than that. As such, the application (jUniUploader) isn't really embedded in the webpage, it's just automatically downloaded and configured by your webpage, and kept up to date whenever your people click the link. No installation or configuration needed, just a click. From that point on, jUniUploader saves its configuration on your guildies' computer for the next time they start jUniUploader.
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Re: jUU embedding

Postby arthadorn » Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:31 am

Yes, this answers my question. And you found the words I couldn't think of when I posted. lol I'll try this and see if I can have some success with it. Thanks for the help!
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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby Wessller » Fri Apr 20, 2007 5:48 pm

this might seem like a stupid question, but where do i download the .jnlp file?

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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby lhunath » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:55 pm

At the URL I provided in my previous post, it links directly to it.

.. Here's a hint, try rightclicking it and hit "Save target as ..".
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Re: [QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby GreenyHT » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:18 am

Thank you for your work on this - it is really well done, and long awaited!

If I download the .jnlp file and publish it to my webserver, shouldn't the resident version of Java open it with WebStart, or do I have to have JRE installed on my webserver?
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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby lhunath » Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:33 am

JNLP files are not Java applications; they do not require any JVM on your webserver.

When people click it on their webbrowser; the webbrowser downloads the file and then passes it to the user's Java installation (to a program called javaws(.exe/.app/)). So the only requirement is that the user has a Java VM installed (version 1.4+). If the user's JVM is lower than 1.5, it will automatically be updated by WebStart before launching jUniUploader.
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Re: [QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby GreenyHT » Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:48 am

Lhunath - I figured as much, but for some reason the file is opening as an xml file and not keying off the installation.
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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby lhunath » Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:58 am

Either your webbrowser has to be configured to see JNLP files as application/x-java-jnlp-file; or you should configure your webserver to send the application/x-java-jnlp-file mimetype for JNLP files.

In apache this is done by adding this line to its configuration:
Code: Select all
AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file .jnlp

Otherwise the webbrowser doesn't know what to do with the file.
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Re: [QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby Sagittarius » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:04 pm

if you cant access the config file of the webserver try upload the file to the folder where your jnlp is located and rename it to ".htaccess"
.htacess with addtype line
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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby robojerk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:33 am

Adding that .htaccess file worked for my testing site..
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Re: [QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby GreenyHT » Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:14 am

Thanks guys - the .htaccess file works beautifully.
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Re: [QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby GreenyHT » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:22 am

The only error I seem to be encountering is that the JNLP file is not picking up the Roster upload location when accessed. I checked the setup in UniAdmin and the path is correct and enabled, yet the upload location does not appear in the jUniUpload section. Any ideas?
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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby lhunath » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:49 am

Could you give me your UniAdmin url?
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[QUESTION] jUU embedding

Postby lhunath » Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:46 am

You need to make sure your UniAdmin is up-to-date.

jUniUploader uses features from the latest UniAdmin; if your UniAdmin is out of date jUniUploader will not work well.

Please upgrade your UniAdmin ;)
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