List of tables in [f-roster]
DB Error, could not list tables
MySQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-roster' at line 1
Roster DB Layer
Invalid query result passed
Backtrace (most recent call last):
* File: /home/public_html/roster/lib/commonfunctions.lib.php
o line 248
o function called: backtrace
* File: /home/public_html/roster/lib/wowdb.php
o line 265
o function called: die_quietly
o args: Invalid query result passed, Roster DB Layer
* File: /home/public_html/roster/rosterdiag.php
o line 426
o function called: free_result
o args:
Haven't seen any errors when using roster? So it's like it's working, but why the diag errors then?

Link to "my" roster
Btw.. it came after I moved the homepage to a new host.