Raid Tracker Confusion

Track raids, bosskills, loot with the ct_raidtracker enhanced WoW Addon

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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby Tayluca » Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:43 am

I want to apologize in advance... I searched the forums, the wiki, etc and my brain is about to explode trying to figure out if this thing is usable for us or not.

I see the latest addon update posted here:

I see a recent post about MLdkp here:

But I'm confused as whether or not ANY of these are actually in a working condition.

We're not using DKP of any sort, we simply want to track our raids and display that data on our roster page. We considered the SK mod for *some* parts of raids but we're a close guild and need vs greed works for us atm. I just want an easy way to track attendance, loot, and boss kills and display them on our roster. Are the two items I linked above enough for me to do that or are we still waiting on an update for the type of functionality I'm looking for?

I appreciate any feedback as I'm feeling at a loss and wondering if I missed a post somewhere explaining it in simple terms.

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Re: Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby swampy » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:09 am

It's ok - my guild was in the same boat.

We use CT RaidTracker 1.4.1 from and it works fine. We use it for our non-raid quests as well so we can track what's dropping in the dungeons.
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby Tayluca » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:18 am

Thanks Swampy. That is the one I downloaded, just not sure if that addon is compatible with the roster addon to display the information on the roster.
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby Tayluca » Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:07 am

Sorry to be a pest, but I also have another question:

In the install instructions, it says:

- Setup config.php in the itemstats-folder

Is it asking for the main wowroster database info? It's a little unclear to me.
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Re: Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby swampy » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:13 pm

You're absolutely right - it's the wowroster database.
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby Tayluca » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:18 am

Well, I got it installed but now, after having gotten some sleep and a bit more coffee and re-reading the very post I linked above, I see the problem. There is no BC data in the roster addon yet but one is in progress. :*( I'm highly anticipating a patch that would at least show the Karazan information. For now, I'm going to be using the MLdkp version of CT Raid Tracker to at least get the information stored from our raids and hope for a release soon of the roster addon. Thanks everyone for the insight and info. I do appreciate it. :)
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby OpenCircuit » Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:16 am

Where can I find the BC version of the Raid Tracker Addon for Roster? I've seen a few people on the boards with links to their roster, and they already have it setup and running.
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby Anaxent » Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:38 am

None of us have a real version for BC yet. I have been having my guildies send me there lua files so I can try to fix raidtracker. I have checked the local files of RaidTracker and have seen the names of the new bosses and there locations so i have been trying with the little time that I have to get all the local data converted over to the raidtracker addon. I do have most of Karazan and Grull's Lair working but there are a few things im not seeing working yet like the opera event I can get the chess event to show up but not the opera event nor any of the bosses that are involved are being seen has killed.
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby Anaxent » Sun Apr 15, 2007 8:40 am

here is what I have in my enUS.php for RaidTracker

Code: Select all
 "Gruul's Layer" => array(
                "High King Maulgar" =>"High King Maulgar",
                "Gruul the Dragonkiller" => "Gruul the Dragonkiller",

        "Karazhan" => array(
                "Attumen the Huntsman" => "Attumen the Huntsman",
        /*      "Dorothee" => "Dorothee",*/
                "Maiden of Virtue" => "Maiden of Virtue",
        /*      "Midnight" => "Midnight",*/
                "Moroes" => "Moroes",
                "Netherspite" => "Netherspite",
                "Nightbane" => "Nightbane",
                "Prince Malchezaar" => "Prince Malchezaar",
                "Shade of Aran" => "Shade of Aran",
                "Terestian Illhoof" => "Terestian Illhoof",
                "The Big Bad Wolf" => "The Big Bad Wolf",
        /*      "The Crone" => "The Crone",*/
                "The Curator" => "The Curator",
/*              "Rokad the Ravager" => "Rokad the Ravager",
                "Hyakiss the Lurker" => "Hyakiss the Lurker",
                "Hyakiss the Lurker" => "Shadikith the Glider",*/
                "Chess Event" => "Chess Event",
        /*      "Julianne" => "Romulo and Julianne",
                "Echo of Medivh" => "Echo of Medivh",
                "Image of Medivh" => "Image of Medivh",
                "Romulo" => "Romulo and Julianne",*/
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby dhirmadi » Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:12 pm

in the RaidTracker/conf.php you want to add the relevant Instance as well, to have the counter work properly

// General variables
$rt_wordings['RaidTracker']['ZoneIcons'] = array(
"Karazhan" => "ka",
"Zul'Gurub" => "zg",
"Onyxia's Lair" => "onx",
"Molten Core" => "mc",
"Blackwing Lair" => "bwl",
"Ahn'Qiraj Ruins" => "aq20",
"Ahn'Qiraj Temple" => "aq40",
"Naxxramas" => "nax",
"World Bosses" => "outdoor",
"RandomRaid" => "outdoor",
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Re: Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby OpenCircuit » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:01 pm

Thanks! I've applied those updates to the EnUS.php file as well as the config file, however, I'm now noticing that Raid Tracker never gave me the ability to add the tables to the database during the install... actually I never did an "install" period, so nothing is linked currently.

And suggestions? Also after applying the fix to the EnUS.php file, I'm still not seeing Karazhan bosses listed anywhere. I am seeing the "Ka" fix in the config though.
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Raid Tracker Confusion

Postby OpenCircuit » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:05 pm

Nvm I got the boss listings to show up, there was an additional area I had to add Karazhan to under the wordings section in the EnUS.php file.

Code: Select all
$rt_wordings['enUS']['Zones'] = array(
   "Karazhan" => "Karazhan",
   "Zul'Gurub" => "Zul'Gurub",
   "Onyxia's Lair" => "Onyxia's Lair",
   "Molten Core" => "Molten Core",
   "Blackwing Lair" => "Blackwing Lair",
   "Ahn'Qiraj Ruins" => "Ahn'Qiraj Ruins",
   "Ahn'Qiraj Temple" => "Ahn'Qiraj Temple",
   "Naxxramas" => "Naxxramas",
   "RandomRaid" => "World Bosses",
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