Problem with showing professions on home page

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Problem with showing professions on home page

Postby berserker » Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:07 am


I have a little problem on my roster. Normally all worked fine, but since some days, all players with frFR aren't showing primary professions on main page or in skills page (Comp.) like you can see here : WarZaiD Roster

My main char (Bersërker) do blacksmith and mining for example.

If you need any information let me know.

In a second time, already for profession, when you go in that category on roster (tradeskill) Roster TradeSkill, you have every informations not showing in the other page, but because we have enEN and frFR players, we can't see easily all players doing some professions (for enEN are doing Blacksmithing and frFR are doing "Forge", but it's the same profession ....).
Is it possible to make only one profession (where it show 2) in the roster language ?
berserker Apprentice Apprentice
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Problem with showing professions on home page

Postby zanix » Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:41 am

Hmm, I'm not sure on this one

Check localization/frFR.php and see if these are correct
Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['secondary']='Compétences secondaires';
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Re: Problem with showing professions on home page

Postby berserker » Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:41 pm

zanix wrote:Hmm, I'm not sure on this one

Check localization/frFR.php and see if these are correct
Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['secondary']='Compétences secondaires';

it's OK here.

I just activate SQL Query display, and I see that for every player it check "Profession" and not "Métiers" :

Code: Select all
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '18' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '17' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '54' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '53' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '26' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '5' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '13' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '30' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '38' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '49' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '37' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '66' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '60' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '2' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '10' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '14' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '35' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '40' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '44' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '22' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '28' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '3' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '43' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '7' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '58' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '51' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Compétences secondaires') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
SELECT * FROM `roster_skills` WHERE `member_id` = '48' AND (`skill_type` = 'Professions' OR `skill_type` = 'Secondary Skills') ORDER BY `skill_order` ASC
berserker Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:43 pm

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