downloading information from wowroster into pvplog

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downloading information from wowroster into pvplog

Postby mattswell » Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:47 pm

how do i do it? i'm sure this was explained on the old forums, but i can't find a good wiki or anything that explains this.
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downloading information from wowroster into pvplog

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:25 pm

Huh? Why do you want to pull data from WoWRoster *into* PvPLog? It's designed to go the other way, ie. PvPLog captures data from in game and WoWRoster can upload it and display it.
Roster 2.0.2 svn [latest] latest trunk SVN svn [latest] running on IIS7/Windows Server 2008 SP2 | MySQL 5.0.85 | PHP 5.2.10 | Yes, Roster and PHP rocks on IIS! Even run as FastCGI extension!
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downloading information from wowroster into pvplog

Postby zanix » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:35 am

This doesn't sound like a bad idea, write a roster addon that could pump a character's pvplog data back into the lua

Far beyond my skills though...
(lua is foreign to me)
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Re: downloading information from wowroster into pvplog

Postby cyberbane » Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:35 pm

Uniuploader can do this. ... r:Advanced

Website ==> WoW

This system provides a way for data from a website to be inserted into the SV file for use in WoW Mod's, essentially making it possible to run Full-Duplex (WoW (==) Website) WoW Addons.

You can find the settings for this sytem in the Advanced tab in the middle. UU first sends a request to the URL with OPERATION = GETDATA. The interface at that URL then responds with the data that should be sent to WoW via the SV file. UU then appends the data to the bottom of the SV file exactly as recieved from the interface. After the data from the website has been appended into the SV file, WoW Addon's can use the data. When logging out of WoW, if 1 or more addons have RegisterForSave set for the data, then it will remain in the SV file. There should never be more than 1 copy of the same variable in the SV file if the upload button is'nt pressed manually. If there are more than 1 of the same variable/data in the SV file, the addons will use the last (latest) copy of the variable/data. UniUploader will retrieve and append the data every time the upload button is pressed and (if option is set) when changes in the SV file are detected.

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Re: downloading information from wowroster into pvplog

Postby mattswell » Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:45 am

i assumed it already did it... i was thinking that pvplog could get data from the website so you could see the overall guild record vs players, guilds, etc ingame.
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