Last online times not matching actual

Data Accuracy issues

Last online times not matching actual

Postby Looku » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:16 pm

Firstly, let me tell you that my guild and I love this AddOn suite. It works great. Love all of the information. I do have one little issue though.

I might have missed a post where the fix to this was explained, but here is my issue. I live and the Realm Server are both in PST (GMT -8 hours) and I have Roster set up as such, and my last upload times seem to be pretty accurate, but my last online times don't match. For example: I was on last night until 10:30ish minutes aren't that important, but the Last Online says that I was on until 12:30. The times are off by 2 hours, but it only appears to affect the Last Online time, not the upload time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Last online times not matching actual

Postby Celeanor » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:34 am

I have a simillar problem, but the dates differ more. We have guildmembers who according to the roster been online on Apr 3rd 2007 when they haven't been online for over a month. Should mention that there are very few who has actually uploaded their characters to the roster (incase it might have something to do with the difference). So the roster is mainly used as a members list. But would be nice to have correct dates. So I would appriciate all the help or explanations I can get. Been searching around on the forum for an answer for this difference and I've been unsuccesfull so far.

Our roster: Berzerkers of Flame - EU Dunemaul

/Thanks is advance

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