Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

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Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:17 am

Is your wifes nodes unique? That is not already in the database?

If so please post her .lua it's strange that it's not inserting them if they are not already in the database.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:31 am

I can check this in a few hours (in Germany its 5:30 am) she`s Dreaming at this time from Big loots *gg*

But why becomes my wife other error message ?
Last edited by Borsti on Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:52 pm

Spoke with Zeryl about your error message and many more... They are only warinings... These "Warnings" will be taken care of in the next patch of Roster.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby daddelkopp » Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:49 pm

I will try to make a good error report :mrgreen:

I fixed fallowing in us language file:


But I use the roster only in german and all roster users have the german client. And the german language file is OK. I changed $wordings['deDE']['gatherer_addon'] = 'Carthographer'; becuase no one in oure guild use Gatherer anymore :mrgreen:

I did not make fixes at results.php.

I fix in update.php
Code: Select all

Server Info:
OS: Linux
Server Software: Apache/1.3.34 (Unix) PHP/4.4.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.25 OpenSSL/0.9.7e
MySQL Version: 4.0.24_Debian-10sarge2

PHP Version 4.4.4
PHP API Type apache
safe_mode Off
open_basedir On
allow_url_fopen Off
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 2M

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Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:58 pm


If you would please, post me a copy of your deDE.php, sorry for the troubles.

At this time I am at a loss for what might be the problem... I will continue to look into this.
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Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby foxbad » Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:23 pm

I have a problem.
I cannot upload too.
There is nothing which is put in the database.

I'm French. Sorry for my English.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby daddelkopp » Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:34 pm

I am sorry for making trouble :neutral:

Here are the files.

Additional Info:

I upload only Cartographer_Herbalism & Cartographer_Mining file. Not CharacterProfiler or Guildprofiler.

The logfile after upload (only carthographer files):

* Parsed Cartographer_Herbalism in 0.01 seconds
* Parsed Cartographer_Mining in 0 seconds

I tried it with all files at once, but it doesn't matter.

Thanks for your time
deDE.php & update.php
(8.43 KiB) Downloaded 367 times
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:11 pm

Foxy wrote:Is your wifes nodes unique? That is not already in the database?

If so please post her .lua it's strange that it's not inserting them if they are not already in the database.

A Guildmember would upload her .lua today and there spots wouldn`t be insered too
A gatherer.lua from a Guildmember with spots in Darkshore...
(84.27 KiB) Downloaded 421 times
My lua
(36.25 KiB) Downloaded 362 times
The Lua from my Wife
(47.72 KiB) Downloaded 371 times
Last edited by Borsti on Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Tyradil » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:44 pm

daddelkopp wrote:Additional Info:

I upload only Cartographer_Herbalism & Cartographer_Mining file. Not CharacterProfiler or Guildprofiler.

The logfile after upload (only carthographer files):

* Parsed Cartographer_Herbalism in 0.01 seconds
* Parsed Cartographer_Mining in 0 seconds

I tried it with all files at once, but it doesn't matter.

Erm, if you don't upload the CP.lua too, the update triggers are not triggered, and so the gatherer addon doesn't get active to add the provided nodes.
I don't know if it updates the column continent in the database with the correct ones, if not you have to clean up the whole roster_addon_gatherer_nodes table before trying again. (TRUNCATE TABLE 'roster_addon_gatherer_nodes')
If it's not working after all, you seam to have a realy strange problem ... btw. I looked into your roster on the gatherer addon page, and didn't even get the maps displayed, have you uploaded them and set the correct rights via chmod?

Last edited by Tyradil on Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
author of the addon "Faction Rewards" -

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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:08 am

Ok I had a view at the Database before and after update... (I have deleted all entries in DB)

My wife uploaded 241 spots on a clear DB, after that I uploaded my lua and it added only 12 spots in DB, then a Guildmember uploaded his lua with a lot of spots from another continent and it added only 12 more spots to DB.

It looks like a limit about 12 spots per upload.
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Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:06 am

Tyradil have you been using the addon? Any errors, missing data or other issues to report from your testing?

The maps will not display unless the correct map url is passed to it from the result.php xml output... (and all files are named and stored in the correct locations) In daddelkopp case all the image files are in order.

Hence there is something wrong with the language file... I say this cause even with a blank database the results.php should output an empty XML
node... Empty in the sence that there is no variable data being passed to it from the mysql table...

Code: Select all
<a_map continent="" map="" image="http://localhost/roster/addons/gatherer/images/MAP//.jpg">

Erm, if you don't upload the CP.lua too, the update triggers are not triggered, and so the gatherer addon doesn't get active to add the provided nodes.

Correct! To upload the gathered data files you must also upload the cp.lua, no exceptions! Sorry that's how it's designed to work.

daddelkopp I don't want to sound silly but can you try uploading your cp.lua and one or both of your Cartographer files to the roster update page on your site together and see if it works...

@ Borsti

This has me at a loss for words and what may be causing the problem... I have uploaded each gatherer.lua one at a time checked the data and truncated the database...

Here's what I have seen:

Wife = 166 nodes

Borsti = 166 nodes ? Same file?

Guild = 477

Uploading the guild member file first and then uploading the your wifes file, only 1 node is inserted... Bringing the number of rows (nodes) to 478... This should mean that there is only 1 node in your wifes file that is not already in the guild file... (I did not check the .lua file manually to confirm this)

When I tried uploading your wifes file and then the guild, the 166 nodes was inserted but the upload of the guild file gave me errors and nothing was inserted.

Notice: Undefined index: BLOODMYST_ISLE in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: DESOLACE in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: TELDRASSIL in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: DUN_MOROGH in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: HINTERLANDS in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: REDRIDGE_MOUNTAINS in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: WETLANDS in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: WESTFALL in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: HILLSBRAD_FOOTHILLS in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: LOCH_MODAN in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
Notice: Undefined index: ARATHI_HIGHLANDS in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61

So, now I am a bit concerned... I plan to try this in a few minutes with my files and yours to see if I can duplicate this error.

/summon Zanix to this post...
Last edited by Foxy on Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:48 am

Foxy wrote:
@ Borsti

This has me at a loss for words and what may be causing the problem... I have uploaded each gatherer.lua one at a time checked the data and truncated the database...

Here's what I have seen:

Wife = 166 nodes

Borsti = 166 nodes ? Same file?

Guild = 477

Uploading the guild member file first and then uploading the your wifes file, only 1 node is inserted... Bringing the number of rows (nodes) to 478... This should mean that there is only 1 node in your wifes file that is not already in the guild file... (I did not check the .lua file manually to confirm this)

When I tried uploading your wifes file and then the guild, the 166 nodes was inserted but the upload of the guild file gave me errors and nothing was inserted.

So, now I am a bit concerned... I plan to try this in a few minutes with my files and yours to see if I can duplicate this error.

/summon Zanix to this post...

Description: My lua
Filename: gatherer.lua
Filesize: 36.25 KB

The Lua from my Wife
Filename: gatherer.lua
Filesize: 47.72 KB

Sure you download the two different files?

I ask my guild member wich version of gatherer he use...
It`s an older version of gatherer... He will update his gatherer today so we can test tomorrow more.

Uploading the guild member file first and then uploading the your wifes file, only 1 node is inserted... Bringing the number of rows (nodes) to 478... This should mean that there is only 1 node in your wifes file that is not already in the guild file...

Our Guildmember didn´t play in outlands (lvl42) and the most nodes from my wife comes from outlands so I don`t think that this could be the same nodes (you can see the nodes from my wife on my side)
Last edited by Borsti on Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:31 pm

I had a look in my Db
There are 5 entries for Zangarmash in Db but only one spot on my map

399 36866979 181275 ZANGARMARSH HERB 3
450 36866979 181275 ZANGARMARSH HERB 3
462 36866979 181275 ZANGARMARSH HERB 3
474 36866979 181275 ZANGARMARSH HERB 3
493 36866979 181275 ZANGARMARSH HERB 3

I created a new blank gatherer.lua and picked some herbs in Zangarmash as a test but after upload no new node is on the map.

First upload to Db comes from my wife (think this is important) and there was no error message by upload my .lua
Last edited by Borsti on Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby daddelkopp » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:40 pm

Thank you very much for your replies and help. Iam the 3 day on vacation and far away from my WOW Roster and WoW client. At Sunday Iam back.

I did not upload the charater files, too. That will be the first thing I will do on Sunday.

Thanks again for your time and your pations and sorry again for my english.

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Re: Gatherer v0.9B [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Minihunt » Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:20 pm

Fix typo in enUS.php, esES.php, deDE.php and update.php

Full Gatherer 0.9b
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