[ 2.00a ] NetherPanel -- Now cleans up unused addons and SVs

Support and feedback for NetherPanel
AKA java UniUploader

Do you recon jUniUploader is ready for the BETA tag?

ALPHA: I feel there's still quite a few things that go wrong or quite a few features missing.
BETA: jUniUploader has been running quite smoothly in this latest release. It does everything I need it to do.
RELEASE: Are you kidding me? This stuff runs better than my car does! Release it already!
Total votes : 13

[ 0.9.13 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby aegnor » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:43 pm

so :) one week has passed since the last post and i have some ideas for the jUU. i hope you like it and it's easy to implement.
the most wanted feature is an autoupdate feature for the addons. (i made a fake screenshot with the idea.)
it would be very nice, if it's possible to switch the autoupdate on an off. the button shoult do the update process without clicking more than one time. (it would be a eyecandy feature if the update button displays the time since the last update. "3 Days") while the addons update is running, the wow button should be disabled.
my translation will take some time. we are currently reorganizing some things in our guild and this will take some time. :(
Last edited by aegnor on Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ 0.9.13 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby lhunath » Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:34 am

You mean for the button to toggle Auto-Update on and off? That means it should be in the settings pane.

A 'time since last update check' could still be integrated in the first (launcher) pane.

The main reason that there's no auto-update of addons integrated so far is because checking for upgrades is a very IO and CPU intensive task. All addon files need to be MD5 hashed (for UniAdmin) or CRC32 hashed (for all non-UniAdmin addons, eg. from Ace SVN).

Especially on Windows this is quite a load on your computer's resources (since Windows' filesystems are quite low performant on (small) files).

As a result; playing or starting WoW at the same time is quite impossible. As would starting any application during those few seconds/minutes (depending on how many addons you have). That's why I prefer it to be a manual operation. That way the user performs it when he sees fit. One may not always want to start jUU and be confronted with immediate IO/CPU drainage; even if they are OK with checking for addons 80% of the times they start jUU. Clicking the upgrade button is not much trouble.

Obviously; I've nothing against implementing the option of auto-updates. That way it's the user's choice whether they like the consequences or not.
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[ 0.9.14 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby lhunath » Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:52 am

Quite a lot has changed in 0.9.14.

- A new panel has been added that gives you fine-grained control over scheduling events.
- Log output has been improved.
- A HTML pane shows up showing you the result of your upload when you perform a forced upload.
- Settings from UniAdmin are now forced in jUU.
- A new button has been added in the launcher pane that does pretty much everything jUU can do other than starting WoW in full automatic mode. This can also be scheduled (eg. every day at 4am, upgrade all addons? ;x)
- Lots of bugs fixed including systray bugs and bugs with jUU not shutting down properly in Windows.
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[ 0.9.14 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby mfoley » Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:30 am

Looking forward to checking out the new updates this evening. Keep up the great work.
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[ 0.9.14 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby lhunath » Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:00 pm

jUU 0.9.15 uploaded. A lot of fixes have been implemented since the 0.9.14 build including several performance improvements. Enjoy!

I'm leaving on a two week holiday. I hope this release doesn't suddenly fall apart on you people :)
It shouldn't.. ;)
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Re: [ 0.9.14 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby DerSeppel » Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:37 pm

Hey there! Looks as if the Downloadlinks are all broken ...
Could someone attach the newest version to this thread?
I could provide a mirror, as long as things are broken ...
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[ 0.9.15 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby lhunath » Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:59 pm

jUniUploader is launched with WebStart:

http://lhunath.lyndir.com/jUniUploader/ ... oader.jnlp

Sorry; my webserver didn't launch at boot this morning.
Last edited by lhunath on Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ 0.9.15 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby DerSeppel » Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:01 am

That Link doesn't work either ...
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[ 0.9.15 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby lhunath » Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:49 am

Yeah .. I know. I'm having trouble with my webserver. Trying to fix it at the moment.
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[ 0.9.15 ] jUniUploader -- Mark II

Postby lhunath » Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:01 am

Should be okay now.
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Re: [ 2.00a ] NetherPanel

Postby lhunath » Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:00 am

  • Fixed issue with syncing UniAdmin uploader configurations (No accounts selected by default).
  • Fixed an issue where the ignore repositories setting wasn't shown as enabled in the UI even though it was enabled.
  • Changed the diff library used - diff looks nicer now.
  • Show changelogs in tooltips for all ace addons that are upgradable.
  • Threw away fix dependency button - this is now done automatically after loading addon list.
  • Added feature that lets you clean up unused addons and unused saved variables.


Last edited by lhunath on Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ 2.00a ] NetherPanel -- Now cleans up unused addons and SVs

Postby lhunath » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:41 pm

NetherPanel has been updated to 2.1. A lot has happened in the backend of the code but the most relevant changes to users are:

  • UI component placements changed and descriptive texts updated in numerous places. Hopefully this is a good step along the way to make NetherPanel easier to use. The addon manager starts up by default and shows your local addons while fetching data from Ace. Let me know if you want me to change anything else!
  • Categories have been overhauled completely and are now color-coded foldable panels that hide when they have no addons in them and are closed by default but fold open when any addon in them needs updating.
  • Tooltips have been overhauled (stickable tooltips like those with diffs or changelogs can be made sticky and scrollable by pressing F2), changelogs have been made color-coded so it's easier to find the information you want in them. This will later be further improved probably to highlight key-words in them etc. Changelogs now show up in the preview pane.
  • Note: Addons are now filtered by default. This means you'll only see the addons you already have installed. Click the filter button (brush) to show all new addons that you can install.

Full details of this commit can be found on the NetherPanel Trac.

NetherPanel is now only a 5M download and for those that have Java6u10, they benefit from the new Pack200 mechanism making it an only 2.5M download.

This version changes quite a bit about the UI. Any feedback, good, bad or hating is all quite welcome.
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Re: [ 2.00a ] NetherPanel -- Now cleans up unused addons and

Postby rrhode » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:29 am

Good news =)

Can't wait to try it out!

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Re: [ 2.00a ] NetherPanel -- Now cleans up unused addons and

Postby rrhode » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:21 pm

Well it looks different. Had to clear my Java cache out before it would work right with the new look though. Seemed to take a really long time to load and I was almost ready to start it again to see but then it came up. Maybe that splash screen should stay up longer?

Then it seemed to detect the wrong addons to update until I right clicked on one and selected update versions. Maybe this is the cleaning saved variables you were talking about or something. Anyway once I clicked the update versions then it paused for a long time and changed which addons were blue. Now it looked like maybe the ones left were ones that should be upgraded. It was going to upgrade an addon which I created for only me which doesn't exist anywhere. This is how I know it was wrong.

Also, now if I go into WowAceUpdater there is a large number of addons grayed out which have version numbers as ?67789? for some reason. Maybe your program breaks their version numbers somehow I don't know.

The hover overs are staying stuck up in some spots. Like when I click the Guild Homepage, roster, and forum buttons. It will load up the sites but the hover tips will be in the way in my browser still for some reason. It happens in other places within NetherPanel as well such as the hover tips when I hover over addons in the addon list.

Also the wowroster doesn't update yet for some reason. Not sure why because I still can't edit the original one you have in there to see what its params are. And I can still go into UniUploader and upload them fine.

Other than that, well... very nice work but it doesn't work right yet, for me at least. =) I would like it to be faster somehow as well like UniUploader is if that is at all possible.
Last edited by rrhode on Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ 2.00a ] NetherPanel -- Now cleans up unused addons and

Postby lhunath » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:54 pm

rrhode wrote:Well it looks different. Had to clear my Java cache out before it would work right with the new look though. Seemed to take a really long time to load and I was almost ready to start it again to see but then it came up. Maybe that splash screen should stay up longer?

It shouldn't be taking more than 5 seconds. Does it also take so long the second time you start it? If it consistently takes a long time to load I should investigate.

rrhode wrote:Then it seemed to detect the wrong addons to update until I right clicked on one and selected update versions. Maybe this is the cleaning saved variables you were talking about or something. Anyway once I clicked the update versions then it paused for a long time and changed which addons were blue. Now it looked like maybe the ones left were ones that should be upgraded. It was going to upgrade an addon which I created for only me which doesn't exist anywhere. This is how I know it was wrong.

It marked addons as blue because it still needed to write the metadata file for them which contains information NetherPanel wants to remember about each addon. Clicking update versions made NetherPanel write the tag information and reload the addon status. I should probably do this behind the screens so that it doesn't give the wrong information initially. This only happens the first time because the metadata information isn't there yet.

rrhode wrote:Also, now if I go into WowAceUpdater there is a large number of addons grayed out which have version numbers as ?67789? for some reason. Maybe your program breaks their version numbers somehow I don't know.

I don't know what grayed out addons mean in WAU but I can guarantee you that combining different updaters on your addons isn't going to be flawless. That's because they all use their own way of remembering what the addon's version is and those ways can interfere with each other. NetherPanel tries to look into the addon files to see what its current version is if it doesn't have a metadata file for it yet that contains the version.

rrhode wrote:The hover overs are staying stuck up in some spots. Like when I click the Guild Homepage, roster, and forum buttons. It will load up the sites but the hover tips will be in the way in my browser still for some reason. It happens in other places within NetherPanel as well such as the hover tips when I hover over addons in the addon list.

I am aware of the bug with the tips staying. I'm trying to fix that atm. I didn't experience any hover bugs within NetherPanel yet though; how do the tips over the addons get stuck? Oh -- maybe when the dialog window pops up telling you about requested addons?

rrhode wrote:Also the wowroster doesn't update yet for some reason. Not sure why because I still can't edit the original one you have in there to see what its params are. And I can still go into UniUploader and upload them fine.

Mind terribly sending me your .NPrc? (NetherPanel's config file, it's in your home directory; /home/[username] on linux or C:\Documents and Settings\[username] on windows) I can have a look at what exactly is going wrong then.

rrhode wrote:Other than that, well... very nice work but it doesn't work right yet, for me at least. =) I would like it to be faster somehow as well like UniUploader is if that is at all possible.

The loading definately should be made faster - anywhere else you'd like me to look into speeding things up?
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