problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

Postby raithkell » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:19 am

I am having a strange issue...the file CharacterProfiler.lua in my folder is dated Mar 31 5:15pm....i have been on since then, and even played and saved my character over 5 times...still nothing. This has never happened. I'm the Roster admin for our guild, i have been running perfectly until now.

Can someone maybe shed a light on this for me. If you need any more info...please let me know.

Here's my roster page

Last edited by raithkell on Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

Postby zanix » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:28 am

In WoW, try opening the character info window
Hit the save button
Then /reloadui or exit the game
Then look at the date of the file and see if it changed

If there is no save button, then you may have disabled CP
Check the addon screen on the character load page and see if it is enabled
The name of the addon there is rpgo-CharacterProfiler

If the above doesn't help, try doing a /cp purge all (this clears CP memory and storage)
Then hit save and exit wow

If that doesn't work, when WoW is fully exited, go to your Savedvariables directory and delete CharacterProfiler.lua and CharacterProfiler.lua.bak
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problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

Postby jkibbles » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:37 am

I've had a time or two that CP didn't restart itself when I left an instance. I had to type /cp on to bring it back.
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problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

Postby raithkell » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:48 am

nothing worked until i deleted the files...

now all seems good...thank you for getting back to me SOOOOO fast man

good stuff
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problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

Postby bamber000 » Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:16 am

have the same problem.
It show:
Code: Select all
NOT Updating character [Character]
Data is from CharacterProfiler v
The version of CharacterProfiler used to capture data for this character is older than the minimum version allowed for upload.
Please ensure you are running at least v1.5.2 and have logged onto this character and saved data using this version.

YES ???
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problems all of a sudden uploading. the file no longer saves

Postby zanix » Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:29 am

No, you don't have the same problem

Now don't thread hijack and make your own post
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